Curious about 1,000 mg of testosterone per week results?
Do you wonder if 1,000 mg testosterone cycles are appropriate for more advanced gear users, and if so, what kinds of results you can expect?
Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we teach you everything you MUST know about 1,000 mg steroid cycles, including how to minimize side effects while running more aggressive testosterone doses.
We also answer your most important questions, including:
- How frequently should you inject testosterone?
- Where can you legally buy high-quality testosterone online?
- Is 1,000 mg of testosterone per week dangerous for your heart?
…And much more!
Our team of experts has analyzed all of the latest research papers on more aggressive testosterone cycles, as well as real-world feedback from experienced testosterone users.
We even cover Derek from More Plates More Dates and his thoughts on 1,000 mg testosterone cycles for experienced gear users…
Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.
What Is Testosterone? And What Does It Do?
If you’re searching for information on “1,000 mg testosterone cycles,” then you probably already know about the benefits of testosterone…
Research shows that men with higher testosterone levels experience benefits like:
- Insane body composition changes
- Crazy fast recover from workouts
- Superior athletic performance
- Dramatically reduced body fat levels
…And much more. Of course, there are benefits to taking extremely large dosages of testosterone (even as high as 1,000 mg per week!).
More on that in a minute…
For now it’s important to understand that men with low T experience a number of health problems, and low T is a growing health crisis for men all over the world.
This is unfortunate, as men with low T suffer from many different health problems, including:
- Weak, flabby physiques
- Reduced confidence with women
- Slower recover between workouts
…And a whole lot more. Research shows the fastest way to raise men’s testosterone levels is to inject a testosterone medication at least once per week.
This is ESPECIALLY true if you are trying to achieve supra-physiological testosterone levels, aka test levels above and beyond what a “natural” athlete could achieve.
And if you’re searching for information on 1,000 mg testosterone cycles, then we know you probably fall into this camp…
Why Take 1,000 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?
We’re not going to sugar coat this… 1,000 mg of testosterone per week is considered a VERY aggressive steroid cycle. In fact, this is close to the upper limit of what most professional bodybuilders will take to build muscle mass.
If you are on TRT, or testosterone replacement therapy, we recommend you stick with a testosterone dose closer to 100 – 200 mg per week.
For most people, this is more than enough to get into the optimal 800 – 1,200 mg / dl range for total testosterone. However, if you are truly interested in learning more about 1,000 mg testosterone cycles, then keep reading…
So Why Take 1,000 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?
1,000 mg of testosterone per week is the definition of an aggressive steroid cycle. This is dosage is far higher than what most actors and fitness influencers take when trying to build muscle. The side effects from this kind of dosage are high, but so are the results…
Research shows 1,000 mg testosterone cycles result in dramatic improvements in [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]:
- Muscle mass
- Muscle strength
- Body fat levels
- Recover from workouts
Many people report feeling invincible while running 1,000 mg of testosterone per week. Of course, at this high of a dose, the side effects are also more pronounced.
1,000 mg testosterone cycles are ONLY recommended for very experienced steroid users with multiple cycles under their belt. If this describes you, and you really want to push the limits of physical performance, then continue reading…
Who Should Take 1,000 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week?
1,000 mg of testosterone per week is recommended for experienced testosterone users who are looking for maximum results in the shortest amount of time possible.
If you have a few cycles under your belt, you want to build muscle mass and strength at extremely fast rates, and you are willing to deal with the higher risk for side effects (including cardiovascular damage, liver damage etc.), then you may be a good candidate for these aggressive testosterone cycles.
1,000 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week | Results
So what kinds of results can you expect while taking 100 mg of testosterone per week?
The truth is 1,000 mg of testosterone per week is considered an EXTREMELY aggressive steroid cycle. Users should ONLY take dosages this high if they are experienced testosterone and steroid users, and have done their homework on the benefits and side effects of high-dose steroid cycles.
However, there is no denying that 1,000 mg of testosterone per week produces extreme results…
Users taking 1,000 mg of testosterone per week can expect EXTREME increases in muscle size and strength. One study showed that users taking 600 mg of testosterone per week gained 20 pounds of muscle mass in just a few months.
Keep in mind, these users were not following a resistance training program during the study.
If they were lifting weights and following a muscle-building diet, the results would have been even more extreme. Users also report rapid changes in body composition, including significant body fat loss.
Of course, all of these changes occur because users achieve supra-physiological total testosterone levels… often 3-5x greater than the upper limit for “natural” athletes [15].
Other benefits of 1,000 mg testosterone cycles include [16, 17]:
- Rapid reductions in body fat
- Extreme increases in vascularity
- Feeling “invincible” during workouts
- Rapid improvements in recovery ability
1,000 mg of testosterone per week is pretty much the upper limit of what experienced testosterone users will use. In fact, most professional bodybuilders are cautious about going higher than 1,000 mg per week while preparing for their bodybuilding competitions.
Studies show users taking 1,000 mg per week can expect the following changes within the first 1-2 weeks:
“Changes in leg press strength, leg power, thigh and quadriceps muscle volumes, hemoglobin, and IGF-I were positively correlated with testosterone concentrations, whereas changes in fat mass and plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were negatively correlated.”
There is no denying the extreme benefits and results you can achieve while cycling 1,000 mg of testosterone. Of course, there are also plenty of side effects you have to watch out for while running these kinds of gear cycles…
1,000 MG Of Testosterone Per Week | Side Effects
What side effects should you expect while cycling 1,000 mg of testosterone per week?
The truth is 1,000 mg of testosterone per week is an EXTREMELY aggressive steroid cycle. Users should monitor for the following side effects while running their cycle [18, 19, 20]:
- Shrunken testicles
- Cardiovascular damage
- Internal organ damage
- Breast development
- Prostate cancer
There are many more side effects that you also must monitor for, including high blood pressure, liver damage, and kidney damage.
Users are encouraged to perform extensive research on the side effects of steroid cycles before considering a testosterone dosage of 1,000 mg per week.
How To Inject 1,000 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week
You’ve done your research, and you’re truly ready to start taking 1,000 mg of testosterone per week… so how do you actually inject testosterone for optimal results?
Let’s start by talking about optimal testosterone injection schedules, followed by how to actually inject testosterone.
If you are taking 1,000 mg of testosterone per week, then you may want to opt for a higher-frequency injection schedule. Injecting less than once per week may result in wild fluctuations in your blood testosterone levels, and increases your risk for negative side effects.
Most experienced testosterone users taking 1,000 mg per week prefer to inject 2-3 days per week – a frequency that is supported by the latest research studies [21]. For example:
- Option #1: 500 mg two days per week
- Option #2: 333 mg three days per week
Again, injecting more often during the week results in smaller fluctuations in your blood testosterone levels. This is even more important when you are taking ultra-aggressive test cycles, such as taking 1,000 mg per week.
Once you figure our your preferred injection frequency, all you have to do is follow these steps:
- Step #1: Wash your hands – this is absolutely crucial for reducing the risk of infection during an injection.
- Step #2: Draw up a dose – this will depend on your weekly testosterone dose, and frequency of injections. For example, if you are taking 150 mg of testosterone spread out over 2 equally divided doses, then your dose would be 75 mg of testosterone on your injection days.
- Step #3: Aspirate the syringe – this is essential for ensuring there are no air bubbles in the syringe when you inject the testosterone. Here are some steps for aspirating the syringe:
- Step #4: Prepare the injection site – this involves taking a sterile alcohol pad and wipe the immediate area around where you intend to inject.
- Step #5: Inject the testosterone dose – hold the syringe at a 90 degree angle to the application site, plunge the syringe into the flesh, pull back slightly, and depress the plunger.
- Step #6: Remove the needle – after performing your injection, remove the needle from the injection site.
Most experienced testosterone users prefer injecting into the glutes, deltoids, or other major muscle groups.
Performing subcutaneous injections is not recommended when taking 1,000 mg per week, as there is very limited research on the efficacy and side effects experienced using this method with such large weekly doses [22, 23].
How To Buy Testosterone Online | MUST Read
You’re ready to start your first 1,000 mg testosterone cycle. There’s just one problem… how do you legally buy testosterone online?
The truth is it’s illegal to buy testosterone over the internet without a prescription in most countries. This includes the United States, Canada, England, and most of Europe. To make matters worse, many online testosterone vendors sell low-quality products that are filled with cheap fillers [24].
In our experience, your best option is to buy your testosterone through an online TRT vendor. Here are some of the benefits of taking this route:
- You get a pharmaceutical-grade testosterone medication
- It is 100% legal, as they give you a testosterone prescription
- Your doctor monitors all of your bloodwork for you
- They customize your treatment plan to maximize your results
Working with an experienced TRT doctor will also help you avoid nasty side effects like gyno. This is especially true if you are planning on running a 1,000 mg per week testosterone cycle [25, 26, 27].
If you are serious about getting maximum results, then working with an experienced online TRT clinic is the obvious choice. Fortunately, getting started with an online TRT provider is extremely easy.
All you have to do is follow these steps:
- Step #1: Fill out an online “low T” questionnaire and go over the results with your doctor.
- Step #2: Perform a blood test at a local facility to measure your exact testosterone levels.
- Step #3: Go over the results with your doctor, get your customized TRT treatment plan, and have your prescription testosterone medication shipped straight to your door!
Your online TRT clinic will even ship your prescription testosterone medication straight to your own door, so you never have to leave your house!
If you are ready to get started with our preferred online TRT clinic, then click on the following link:
Best Natural Test Boosters | That Actually Work
You may have heard about natural testosterone boosting supplements. You know, those over-the-counter products that promise to raise your testosterone levels by hundreds of points overnight.
Do these supplements actually work, and if so, which one is BEST for raising your testosterone levels? Let’s look at the facts before jumping to any conclusions.
The truth is most testosterone boosting supplements are NOT effective. They feature low-quality ingredients that do almost nothing for actually improving your testosterone levels. Even worse, most of these ingredients have little to no scientific research backing their safety and efficacy.
If you still don’t believe us, then check out the following facts:
- They have little to no research backing them [28]
- They may have dangerous long-term side effects [29]
- They do a very poor job of actually raising your testosterone levels [30]
So far, testosterone injections have remained the “gold standard” option for men who want to rapidly boost their testosterone levels. Almost nothing else comes close!
Fortunately, there is a new testosterone boosting product on the market that actually produces results. We’re talking about a product that has been clinically proven to raise men’s testosterone levels by hundreds of points!
The name of this breakthrough new product? Maximus Tribe.
Maximus Tribe features a new ingredient called enclomiphine, a purified and concentrated version of the drug clomid. Research shows enclomiphine “tricks” your body and brain into producing more testosterone naturally.
In fact, the latest studies show enclomiphine can boost your testosterone levels by as much as 200 – 300 points [31, 32, 33]!
This is more than enough to make a DRAMATIC difference in how you look and feel. If you are ready to get started with Maximus Tribe, then click on the following link:
Is 1,000 Mg Of Testosterone Per Week Enough? Verdict
So what’s the verdict… what kind of results can you expect with 1,000 mg of testosterone per week?
Here’s the truth: 1,000 mg of testosterone per week is considered a VERY aggressive steroid cycle. In fact, this is roughly the dosage that many professional bodybuilders take when getting ready for their bodybuilding competitions!
1,000 mg of testosterone per week is enough to see extremely rapid changes in muscle size and strength, as well as fat loss and overall body composition.
Most users are able to gain 20-30 pounds of pure muscle mass in their first 12 week cycle! Of course, 1,000 mg of testosterone per week is considered an aggressive steroid cycle, and it comes with increased risk of side effects.
We recommend working with an experienced online TRT clinic to minimize these side effects, as they will be able to monitor your bloodwork for you.
On the other hand, you can also take a powerful over-the-counter testosterone booster like Maximus Tribe to get a nice 200 – 300 point boost in your total testosterone levels.