Is Jake Paul On Steroids? | Natty or Not

Dr. Mike Jansen

Last Updated September 28, 2022

Dr. Mike Jansen

 September 28, 2022


Is Jake Paul on steroids?

Then you’ve come to the right place. Inside, you’ll find the official breakdown of whether or not Jake Paul has ever used gear before…

Jake Paul is an American professional boxer and social media icon. He is famous for blowing up on the video-sharing app Vine, and of course, for winning his first 5 professional boxing matches.

Some people have accused Jake Paul of using steroids. This is understandable, as Jake Paul is one of the biggest and strongest boxers in the world.

Is Jake Paul natty? Or did he use anabolic steroids to get an unfair advantage in his boxing matches?

Let’s find out!

Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

Jake Paul Stats

Age: 25 Years Old
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 191 Pounds
Estimated Body Fat %: About 10 Percent
Nickname: The Problem Child

 What Are Steroids?

Steroids are man-made chemicals that mimic the effects of testosterone and other hormones in the human body.

Steroids were originally developed for medical purposes. However, many bodybuilders and athletes choose to use steroids to boost their athletic performance.

Surprisingly, steroids are very popular throughout the world. As many as 6.4% of all adult men in the world have used steroids before, and the numbers are very similar in the United States [1].

So why are steroids so appealing?

The truth is, steroids have the following benefits [2]:

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Faster recovery from workouts
  • Faster recovery from injuries
  • Improved cardiovascular endurance

Many men view steroids as a “short cut” for getting jacked.

Unfortunately, steroids also have many dangerous side effects that you should be aware of. Research shows that steroids like testosterone can cause damage to your internal organs, including your liver, kidneys, and heart [3] [4].

They can even result in death when abused for long periods of time.

Jake Paul Steroids

Signs of Steroid Usage

Is it really possible to tell if someone is on steroids without actually asking them? It’s hard to say for sure. However, most steroid users have some key signs that you can look for.

Here are some of the most common side effects of long-term steroid use:

  • Rapid Body Transformation
  • Completely Shredded Physique
  • Overpowering Body Parts
  • Red / Flushed Skin
  • Extreme Vascularity

Let’s take a closer look at each of these side effects.

One of the most common signs of steroid use is a rapid body transformation.

Many steroid users completely transform their physique in 2-4 months. This may include gaining 10-30 pounds of muscle mass while losing body fat! If you see someone pull off this kind of transformation, then they are probably on gear.

Another big sign of steroid use is a completely shredded physique. This is especially true if the person stays shredded year-round.

Most natural athletes have a hard time getting shredded without crashing their hormones.

If someone is using steroids, then their hormones never crash, so this is never a problem.

Other side effects of steroids include overpowering body parts, red / flushed skin, and extreme vascularity. If someone has most or all of these signs, then they are probably using performance enhancing drugs.

Is Jake Paul On Steroids?

Is Jake Paul really natty? Or did he use anabolic steroids to build his incredible physique? Let’s look at the facts before jumping to any conclusions.

The truth is, Jake Paul doesn’t have any obvious signs of long-term steroid use.

Jake has a reasonably muscular physique, with a decently large upper body and somewhat visible six-pack abs. However, he’s definitely not a “mass monster,” and most of the time he’s over 10% body fat.

It’s extremely possible for a natural athlete to build a Jake Paul style physique with a little bit of hard work and a smart diet.

Of course, Jake gets in pretty good shape for his professional boxing matches. But it’s nothing compared to his brother, Logan Paul, or other athletes who have come clean about their steroid use.

Jake Paul just looks like a regular guy who worked hard to get in reasonably good shape.

Of course, many people have accused Jake Paul of using anabolic steroids. They believe that he has to be using performance enhancing drugs, as there’s no other way to explain his success as a professional boxer.

So what does Jake Paul have to say about these accusations? Here is his response:

“I don’t do steroids. I take it as a compliment. Because there’s no other excuse to me knocking out all of your champions other than ‘this kid does steroids.’”

This is a great attitude to have!

The truth is, if people aren’t accusing you of being on gear, then you’re probably just an über-dweeb. Having people accuse you of being a “fake natty” is one of the highest complements you can get as a drug-free athlete!

Of course, this isn’t the end of the story.

Jake Paul competes as a professional boxer, and before every match he has to perform a drug test. So far, every single one of his drug tests have come back “negative.”

In our opinion, this proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jake Paul really is natural.

Jake Paul Before And After Steroids

The truth is, Jake Paul doesn’t have any obvious signs of long-term signs of steroid use. He doesn’t have an insanely muscular physique, ripped six-pack abs, or massive shoulders / traps.

He gets in great shape for his professional boxing matches, but his physique is 100% achievable by a natural athlete.

Jake Paul is a great role model for anyone who wants to transform their physique as a drug-free athlete.

With a little bit of hard work and a great diet, you too can look like Jake Paul!

Jake Paul steroids before and after

Legal Steroid Alternatives?

Anabolic steroids are not a good idea for most people. They have many dangerous side effects, and they can even cause long-term damage to cardiovascular system if you are not careful.

Fortunately, you do not have to use anabolic steroids to build a great physique.

Jake Paul and other natty athletes have proven this beyond the shadow of a doubt. However, if you want to speed up your progress in the gym, then using a powerful “legal steroid alternative” like turkesterone can be a great option.

Turkesterone is belongs to a family of “natural plant steroids” called ecdysteroids.

Plants produce these natural substances because they speed up their growth and development. However, research shows that they are just as effective in humans.

Some studies show that turkesterone can increase protein synthesis by up to 20%, while others show they are as effective as many anabolic steroids like dianabol [5, 6]!

Here are a few of the benefits you can expect while using turkesterone:

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Faster Strength Gains
  • Decreased Body Fat Levels
  • Improved Exercise Performance
  • Faster Recovery From Workouts

Don’t worry – turkesterone is NOT anabolic steroid. It does not impact your hormone levels, and it has no long-term side effects.

This means you can safely use it year-round without any problems.

If you are serious about transforming your physique as fast as possible, then using a high-quality turkesterone product is a great idea.

Here at, we recommend the turkesterone provider Swiss Chems.

We like this brand because they produce all of their products right here in the United States under HPLC regulated facilities. This means all of their products are tested for quality and purity, so you know you are buying a product that produces real-world results.

Click here if you want to learn more.

Testosterone Therapy vs Steroids

Testosterone replacement therapy is the fastest and most effective way for men with low T to safely raise their testosterone levels.

If you are suffering from low T, or just want to optimize your testosterone levels, then testosterone therapy is a great option.

Here’s how it works: first, you talk to an experienced testosterone doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing.

If he agrees that you may be suffering from low T, then he will order a comprehensive blood test to measure your hormone levels. Next, he will develop a custom TRT program to help you optimize your hormone levels.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect after starting on TRT: [7, 8, 9]

  • Stronger Erections
  • Increased Energy Levels
  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Faster Recovery From Workouts
  • Decreased Stress Levels

A proper TRT program has the potential to improve nearly every area of your physical and mental health.

Don’t worry – testosterone therapy is perfectly safe. Unlike anabolic steroids, testosterone therapy is designed to optimize your natural testosterone production. This means you don’t have to worry about any serious side effects.

If you are ready to get started with testosterone therapy, then we recommend working with a great online TRT clinic like Fountain TRT.

Get hormone therapy today with Fountain TRT...

Jake Paul and Steroids | Verdict

What’s the verdict – does Jake Paul use steroids?

We believe the odds are extremely low that Jake Paul used anabolic steroids to prepare for his professional boxing matches.

Jake Paul doesn’t have any obvious signs of long-term steroid use. He has a decent looking physique, but nothing out of the ordinary for a natural athlete.

The truth is, Jake Paul was drug tested before all 5 of his professional boxing matches. And each time, he tested negative for steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

Based on the facts, we think Jake Paul is 100% natty.

This means you can’t use your “natty status” as an excuse for why you don’t look like him!


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  2. Pope Jr HG, Kanayama G, Athey A, Ryan E, Hudson JI, Baggish A. The lifetime prevalence of anabolic‐androgenic steroid use and dependence in Americans: Current best estimates. The American journal on addictions. 2014 Jul;23(4):371-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2013.12118.x. PMID: 24112239.
  3. Andrews MA, Magee CD, Combest TM, Allard RJ, Douglas KM. Physical Effects of Anabolic-androgenic Steroids in Healthy Exercising Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2018 Jul;17(7):232-241. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000500. PMID: 29994823.
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