Is Roger Clemens on steroids?
Then you’ve come to the right place. Inside, you’ll find the official breakdown of whether or not Roger Clemens has ever used gear before…
Roger Clemens was one of the greatest baseball pitchers of all time. Some of his greatest achievements include being an 11-time All-Star player, winning the CY Young Award seven times, and winning two World Series championships.
Many professional baseball players have been caught using anabolic steroids. But is Roger Clemens one of them?
Did Roger Clemens become one of the greatest baseball players of all time as a “natural” athlete? Or did he use performance enhancing drugs to get an edge over his competition? Let’s find out!
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Roger Clemens Stats
Age: | 59 Years Old |
Height: | 6'4" |
Weight: | 205 lbs |
Estimated Body Fat %: | About 13 Percent |
Nickname: | "Rocket" |
What Are Steroids?
Steroids are man-made chemicals that are structurally similar to testosterone, the muscle-building hormone.
Steroids work by increasing the protein within cells, particularly in skeletal muscles. They have an important virilizing effect, including developing male secondary sexual characteristics like facial hair, broad shoulders, and a deeper voice.
Anabolic steroids were first synthesized in 1935 in Germany. Initially, they were used to treat depression and various developmental disorders in young boys.
Steroids were first used by professional athletes in 1954 when Soviet weightlifters were given testosterone [1]. By the early 1980s, anabolic steroids were mainstream and easily accessible to the general population.
Steroids are so popular with bodybuilders and other athletes because they dramatically increase muscle mass, muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, and overall athletic performance.
Unfortunately, anabolic steroids also come with many negative side effects. Some of these side effects include high blood pressure, liver damage, structural changes to the left ventricle of the heart, harmful changes in cholesterol levels (decreased high-density lipoprotein and increased low-density lipoprotein), acne, and even hair loss [2].
Other side effects may include erectile dysfunction, shrunken testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, breast development, increased risk of prostate cancer, and stomach pain. Keep in mind that these side effects are visible after long-term, excessive use of AAS.
Anabolic steroids are illegal in most developed countries. In the United States, AAS are listed as Schedule III controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act, making the possession of such substances a federal crime, punishable by up to a year in prison. Distribution of AAS is also a federal crime and is punishable by up to ten years in prison.
On the other hand, anabolic steroids are widely available without prescription in some countries, like Thailand or Mexico [3].
Signs of steroid use
Is it really possible to tell if someone is on steroids? You can never know for sure, but most long-term steroid users have some signs that you can look out for.
Here are some of the most common signs of steroid use:
- “Roid Rage”
- Rapid Weight Gain
- Bloated Stomach
- Shoulder Acne
- Very High Libido
Let’s take a closer look at each of these symptoms.
The main visible sign of steroid use is the rapid lean muscle gain within a short time span, typically less than 12 weeks.
Excessive muscular growth is another sign – some athletes or sports enthusiasts will look much more athletic than their peers.
Another visible sign is acne – skin that was previously fair and smooth begin breaking out, causing small red spots or infections. Some steroid users can even give off strange odors from their skin [4].
Finally, some steroid users experience a very large increase in their sex drive. This is caused by extremely high concentrations of testosterone in the blood [5].
There are many other signs of long-term steroid use, such as overdeveloped shoulders or even a larger than normal skull, but these are some of the most obvious ones.
Is Roger Clemens On Steroids?
Is Roger Clemens a natural athlete? Or did he use anabolic steroids to get an edge over his competition?
The truth is Roger Clemens doesn’t have any of the obvious signs of long-term steroid use. He doesn’t have an insanely muscular physique, red / flushed skin, or a massive “Joe Rogan” skull. He just looks like a regular Major League Baseball pitcher who ate too many Krispy Kreeme doughnuts in the offseason.
However, that isn’t the end of the story. In fact, there is plenty of hard evidence that Roger Clemens did use steroids during his baseball career…
Roger Clemens was involved in a major steroid scandal in 2007 called the “Mitchell Report.” This report listed 89 Major League Baseball players who failed a drug test for performance enhancing drugs.
Clemens was mentioned 82 times in the Mitchell Report. According to the report, Clemens was routinely injected by McNamee with Winstrol, a powerful anabolic steroid. However, according to Clemens’ attorney, Rusty Hardin, Clemens was never tested positive for any anabolic steroids.
Roger Clemens firmly rejected any accusations that he used steroids, including the accusations put forth in the Mitchell Report. Roger Clemens even rejected this allegation under oath before the United States Congress.
Roger was found not guilty on all six counts, including perjury, false statements, and contempt of Congress. However, the controversies hurt his chances of being included in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Roger Clemens never received the required 75% of total votes during the 10-year eligibility period, receiving only 65.2% of votes in the 2022 session.
There is a lot of evidence suggesting that Roger Clemens was using anabolic steroids during his long and successful career.
For instance, in Jose Canseco’s Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits & How Baseball Got Big, Canseco states that Clemens had “expert knowledge” about steroids and how to use them.
Moreover, he recommended Canseco use them to improve his performance. Clemens noted that “I couldn’t care less about the rules” when asked about steroid use [6].
So what’s the verdict? Did Roger Clemens really use steroids during his professional baseball career?
I think it’s only fair to say there is not enough definitive evidence to prove that Roger Clemens used performance enhancing drugs.
However, many people involved in the Major League Baseball association have accused Roger of using steroids, and these allegations were enough to hold him back from entering the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Roger Clemens Before And After Steroids
Roger Clemens was known as a heavier athlete during his professional baseball career. He always had a larger, “stockier” look than most pitchers. This is a far cry from the lean, muscular look that most athletes have when they are using steroids.
In fact, it’s hard to see any change in Roger Clemens’ appearance from the beginning of his career to the end. This supports the idea that there isn’t enough evidence to say for sure that Roger Clemens was using steroids during his baseball career.
Roger Clemens may have used anabolic steroids, but his flabby physique doesn’t show any obvious signs of steroid use. He just looks like a regular athlete who spent too much time eating “happy meals” from McDonald’s, and not enough time working up a sweat in the gym.
Then again, isn’t that pretty typical for Major League Baseball pitchers?
Legal Steroid Alternatives?
Roger Clemens used anabolic steroids during his professional baseball career to get an unfair advantage over his competition. However, that doesn’t mean they are a good idea for most athletes.
Steroids are illegal in the many countries, including the United States, and they have many dangerous side effects. Besides, Roger Clemens looks more like a police officer patrolling the drive-through menu at Dunkin Doughnuts than a professional athlete, so there’s no guarantee that steroids will work for you.
Fortunately, there are many legal steroid alternatives that you can use to go from a “dad bod” to a “god bod,” or from a flabby Roger Clemens to a ripped Chris Hemsworth.
One of the most popular legal steroid alternatives on the market today is called ecdysterone.
Ecdysterone has taken the fitness world by storm, as numerous research studies have shown that it is nearly as effective as anabolic steroids for building muscle mass and strength. One study showed that ecdysterone can increase muscle protein synthesis by up to 20%, while another showed that ecdysterone is more effective than some anabolic steroids, such as dianabol, for increasing lean muscle mass [7, 8].
This sounds too good to be true, right? A legal steroid alternative that works just as well as many performance enhancing drugs?
Don’t worry – ecdysterone is the real deal. It has a ton of research backing it up, and unlike traditional steroids, it has zero side effects in humans – especially when taken at the recommended dosage of 500 mg.
Ecdysterone is actually a natural substance found in many plants like spinach and quinoa, and causes no changes to your hormone levels, so you don’t have to worry about long-term side effects.
If you are interested in getting started with ecdysterone, then all you have to do is find the right online retailer. We really like Huge Supplements, as they manufacture their own ecdysterone products right here in the United States, and they have incredibly fast shipping.
Testosterone Therapy vs. Steroids
Testosterone replacement therapy is one of the most important treatment options for men suffering from low testosterone levels.
The goal of this unique therapy is to raise men’s testosterone levels to the higher end of the normal, healthy range. This is completely different from something like anabolic steroids, which are used by bodybuilders to raise their muscle-building hormones to dangerously high levels.
Research shows that testosterone replacement therapy is safe for men of all ages suffering from low T. It also has many health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, decreased body fat levels, and improved sexual performance [9, 10, 11].
We know how important it is to work with a testosterone replacement therapy clinic that you can trust. And that’s why we recommend Fountain TRT. Their testosterone doctors are among the best in the business, so when you contact Fountain TRT, you know you are receiving exceptional care.
Roger Clemens And Steroids | Verdict
What’s the verdict – does Roger Clemens use steroids?
The truth is, Roger Clemens used anabolic steroids during his professional baseball career to get an unfair advantage over his competition.
Roger doesn’t have the physique of a typical steroid user. His flabby belly and jiggly arms look like they belong on an off-duty cop patrolling your local Dunkin Doughnuts. However, that doesn’t mean he is “natty.”
Roger Clemens tested positive for performance enhancing drugs, and this fact prevented him from being voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
Roger Clemens cheated, was caught, and ultimately paid the price. Let this be a lesson to anyone who is considering using anabolic steroids in drug-tested sports.