Curious about steroids in steroids in Australia?
Do you wonder what the Australian government has to say about steroids, including whether they are considered a legal recreational drug, or a banned substance?
Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about steroids in Australia, including whether you can legally use steroids without breaking any Australian laws.
We also answer your most important steroid-related questions, including:
- Do people really use steroids?
- What side effects do steroids have?
- Are there any safe alternatives to traditional steroids?
…And much more!
Our team at has analyzed all of the latest Australian laws on controlled substances, so you can make an informed decision.
We also present the latest research on “legal steroid alternatives” like ecdysterone and turkesterone, in case you are looking for a safe muscle-building alternative to traditional steroids.
Now let’s get started!
Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.
What Are Steroids?
Steroids are man-made chemicals that mimic the effects of testosterone in the human body.
In fact, steroids have been shown to raise the user’s testosterone levels above and beyond what their body can produce on their own.
Research shows that steroids have a dramatic impact on the user’s overall athletic performance. They have the potential to dramatically increase muscle mass and strength, as well as reduce body fat levels.
Steroids are so powerful, that a significant portion of adult males have used them in the past. In fact, research shows that as much as 6.4% of the male population has used them at some point in their lives (1).
The numbers are even higher in less developed countries, although most Western governments classify steroids as a “banned substance.”
Studies show that steroids have the following benefits (2, 3):
- Greater muscle mass
- Greater strength gains
- Decreased body fat
- Faster recovery from workouts
Unfortunately, steroids also have some negative side effects. This is the primary reason they are not more popular – many people are afraid of the side effects of steroids, and rightfully so.
Here are some of the major risks associated with long-term steroid use (4, 5):
- Heart / liver / kidney damage
- Impaired cardiovascular health
- Skin acne
- “roid rage”
Many people decide that the negative side effects of steroids outweigh the benefits. However, for other people, the performance enhancing benefits of steroids are more important than any potential risks.
If you do decide to use steroids, then it is extremely important to do your research on all possible side effects, so you can make a fully-informed decision.
Popular Steroids in Australia
So how popular are steroids in Australia? The truth is, anabolic steroids are becoming much more popular with Australia’s youth.
Research shows that as much as .8% of the Australian population has experimented with anabolic steroids before, and the numbers are even higher for young men (6).
This has health authorities concerned, as steroids have a number of known side effects. However, many Australian citizens continue to use them for their perceived benefits.
Here are some of the most popular steroids in Australia today:
- Anavar
- Testosterone
- Trenbolone
Let’s take a closer look at each of these drugs.
Anavar is probably the most popular beginner-friendly steroid in Australia. It can be taken orally, and it has far fewer side effects than other steroids, so it is very popular with people who are running their first cycle.
More advanced steroid users often use testosterone, human growth hormone, and even trenbolone in their cycles.
These steroids have more powerful muscle-building benefits, but they are also significantly more dangerous than anavar and other beginner-friendly drugs.
What Do Steroids Do?
Steroids are becoming more and more popular all over the world. It seem like everyone from Hollywood actors to professional athletes and even social media influencers are jumping on the steroid bandwagon.
But why are steroids so popular?
The truth is, steroids have many different benefits, including (2, 7, 8):
- Increased Muscle Mass
- Increased Muscle Strength
- Improved Body Composition
- Faster Recovery From Workouts
- Increased Red Blood Cell Count
Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.
The main reason people use steroids is they help you build muscle mass and strength. Research shows that steroids are actually more effective than a properly designed weightlifting program!
This is hard to believe, but steroids are that effective for building muscle mass.
Many people are able to add 10, 20, or even 30 pound of lean muscle tissue during their first steroid “cycle.” This is an incredible achievement, as it takes most drug-free athletes at least a year to gain 10 pounds of pure muscle mass.
How is this even possible?
The truth is, steroids increase the rate of protein synthesis inside your muscle cells. This means your body is more efficient at taking the proteins you eat through your diet, and using them to build new muscle tissue.
Resistance training works in a similar way, but research shows that steroids are actually more effective than lifting weights for building muscle mass!
Steroids are also very effective at increasing muscle strength and improving overall body composition.
Many bodybuilders and other athletes find their strength shoots through the roof during their first steroid cycle.
In addition, steroids make it much easier to lose body fat. This makes sense, as men with higher testosterone levels are usually much leaner than men with low T.
Finally, steroids have some other benefits for athletes, including faster recover from workouts and improved muscular endurance. Steroids boost protein synthesis levels, which means your body is able to repair your muscles faster following intense exercise.
This is great news for anyone who really pushes themselves in the gym.
Steroids also improve your red blood cell count, which means the user’s muscular endurance is significantly improved as well. This is why cyclists and other endurance athletes sometimes use performance enhancing drugs.
They are not trying to build bigger legs. Instead, they are trying to improve their muscular endurance, so they can be more competitive in their sport.
Overall, steroids have many benefits for the serious athlete. It’s no wonder they are so popular in Australia!
Side Effects Of Steroids
Steroids are incredibly popular in the country of Australia. I
t seems like every day, more and more people are experimenting with steroids to transform their physiques, and max out their physical performance. This trend has many Australian health authorities concerned, as research shows steroids can be quite dangerous.
Here are some of the biggest side effects associated with long-term steroid use (9, 10, 11, 12, 13):
- Gyno (gynecomastia)
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Impaired judgement
- Cardiovascular damage
Let’s take a closer look at each of these side effects.
One of the scariest steroid side effects is called gynecomastia, or “gyno” for short.
Gyno is a condition where men develop lumps of breast tissue under their nipples. This gives their chest a fluffy, “feminine” appearance.
So why do some steroid users develop gyno, while others do not? This is a great question.
As we already discussed, steroids work by raising testosterone and other muscle-building hormones in the bloodstream. The human body naturally converts some testosterone into estrogen through a process called “aromatization.”
Some steroids can cause increased estrogen levels, as some of the extra testosterone is converted in to estrogen. If left unchecked, these increased estrogen levels can result in unwanted “man boobs.”
There are ways to avoid gyno, such as monitoring your estrogen levels while using gear, or using a proper post-cycle therapy protocol.
However, it’s important to understand that gyno is always a risk when using testosterone and other anabolic steroids.
Other minor side effects of steroids include depression, erectile dysfunction, and impaired judgement.
Some people achieve a “high” while using steroids, and experience symptoms of depression when coming off. Other steroid users experience erectile dysfunction and impaired judgement while on cycle.
Of course, these are just some of the “minor” side effects. Steroids also have more dangerous side effects, including damage to the heart, liver, and kidneys.
One of the biggest dangers of steroid use is a potential increase in blood pressure.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often called the “silent killer” as it does not have any symptoms. Anyone using steroids is strongly encouraged to regularly monitor their blood pressure to avoid long-term damage to their cardiovascular system.
The bottom line is steroids are very powerful drugs, but they also have a significant number of side effects.
Anyone interested in using steroids must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of these drugs, so they can come to an informed decision.
Are Steroids Legal in Australia?
You might be wondering if steroids are legal in Australia.
Can you actually buy, possess, and use anabolic steroids in Canada without breaking any laws? The answer might surprise you.
Anabolic steroids are classified as a “Scheduled 4 (S4)” substance under the Australian controlled substances act of 1984. The laws and regulations vary in different regions of Australia. However, most provinces agree that steroids can only be purchased and sold with a valid prescription from a doctor.
Buying and selling anabolic steroids in Australia without a valid prescription is illegal, with a max penalty of up to 25 years in prison.
Australia also has very strict laws regarding the possession of steroids.
Unlike other countries like the UK or Canada, the Australian government does not allow citizens to possess anabolic steroids without a valid prescription. This means if you are caught possessing steroids without a prescription, then you could be facing heavy fines or jail time.
The Australian government also makes it illegal to manufacture, import, or export anabolic steroids without a valid prescription.
If you are planning on bringing steroids into the country without a valid prescription, then you may want to reconsider.
For these reasons, we do NOT recommend purchasing steroids in Australia without a doctor’s prescription.
Drug Schedules in Australia
In this section, we will take a closer look at how the Australian government classifies different illegal drugs, including controlled drugs and prescription medications [14, 15, 16].
Schedule 1
- Not currently in use
Schedule 2
- Pharmacy medicine – Medicines that are available on the shelf at pharmacies.
Schedule 3
- Pharmacist only medicine – Medicines that are available from a pharmacist without a prescription. These medicines are usually behind the pharmacy counter.
Schedule 4
- Prescription only medicine – Medicines which must be prescribed by an authorised healthcare professional (such as your doctor). They may be supplied in hospital or bought from a pharmacy with a prescription.
Schedule 5
- Caution – Chemicals which are not likely to cause harm. They need suitable packaging with simple warnings and safety directions on the label.
Schedule 6
- Poison – Chemicals with a moderate risk of causing harm. They need special packaging with a strong warning and safety directions on the label.
Schedule 7
- Dangerous poison – Chemicals with a high risk of causing harm in low doses. They are only available to certain people who are able to handle them safely. There may be special rules for selling, using or storing these chemicals.
Schedule 8
- Controlled drug – Medicines or chemicals which have special rules for producing, supplying, distributing, owning and using them. These medicines may only be prescribed by an authorized healthcare professional who may need a special prescribing permit.
Schedule 9
- Prohibited substance – Chemicals which may be abused or misused. They are illegal to produce, own, sell or use except if needed for medical or scientific research.
Schedule 10
- Chemicals that are so dangerous they are banned altogether.
As you can see, anabolic steroids are classified as a “schedule 4” drug. This means they can only be purchased from a pharmacy as a prescription medication.
Attempting to purchase anabolic steroids in Australia without a valid doctor’s prescription is illegal and strictly prohibited.
Oral Steroids vs Injectables vs Steroid Creams
Are you curious about the differences between oral steroids, injectable steroids, and transdermal steroid creams? Do you wonder which class of steroids is most effective for building muscle mass and strength?
Don’t worry – you’re not alone. There is a ton of confusion surrounding the different types of steroids, and their unique advantages and disadvantages.
There are three main types of anabolic steroids:
- Oral steroids
- Injectable steroids
- Transdermal steroids
The short answer is injectable steroids are the “gold standard” choice amongst bodybuilders and other athletes. However, oral steroids and steroid creams are also viable options for some people.
Let’s start by taking a closer look at the various oral steroids available today.
Here are some of the most popular oral steroids:
- Anadrol
- Anavar
- Dianabol
- Winstrol
- Restandol
Oral steroids are very popular with individuals who do not want to deal with needles or injections. They are also popular with people new to steroids, as orals tend to have fewer overall side effects.
One of the most popular oral steroids today is called anavar.
It was originally developed to treat patients with muscle-wasting diseases, but today it is commonly used by men and women who want to rapidly build muscle mass.
Now let’s talk about injectable steroids. Here are some of the most popular injectable steroids on the market today:
- Testosterone
- Trenbolone
- Deca-durabolin
- Equipoise
Injectables are by far the most common class of steroids. They are also the most powerful class of steroids. Because you are injecting the drug directly into your bloodstream, it is much easier to achieve high concentrations of the drug in your body.
Testosterone is the most common injectable steroid, but there are many others, including HGH, trenbolone, deca-duraolin, and equipoise.
Finally, there are some steroid creams that can be used. For example:
- Testosterone creams
- SARM creams
Steroid creams are less popular than orals and injectables, and for good reason – they are less effective at raising testosterone levels in the body.
This is ok if you are on a doctor-supervised TRT protocol. However, most people looking to get the most out of steroids choose orals or injectables, as they have more powerful muscle-building benefits.
Should You Take Steroids in Australia?
You might be wondering if you should take steroids in Australia.
Is it a good idea to order steroids online while living in Australia, or to bring your own steroids into the country?
Here at, we believe you should NOT take steroids in Australia. There are several reasons for this:
- Steroids are illegal in Australia
- Steroids have dangerous side effects
- There are safe and legal alternative to steroids
Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.
First of all, steroids are illegal in the country of Australia. The only way to legally purchase anabolic steroids in Australia is with a valid doctor’s prescription.
Anyone caught trying to buy steroids in Australia without a valid prescription could be looking at thousands of dollars in fine, or even jail time.
You may be wondering how it’s possible to get a prescription for anabolic steroids. The truth is, many steroids like testosterone and HGH are used for doctor-supervised hormone replacement therapy protocols.
If you are suffering from low T, then talking to your doctor about TRT may be a good option.
Steroids are also extremely dangerous, and can result in serious long-term side effects. For all of these reasons, we do NOT recommend taking steroids while living in Australia.
There are too many safer, legal alternatives like TRT or even over-the-counter “legal steroid alternatives” that you could use instead.
Legal Steroid Alternatives
In our opinion, anabolic steroids are a poor choice for most people living in Australia.
Steroids are illegal without a valid doctor’s prescription, and they have many harsh side effects. For these reasons, we think taking steroids in Australia is a bad idea.
Fortunately, there are many “legal steroid alternatives” that you can use to transform your physique. Based on our research, ecdysterone is the #1 legal steroid alternative in the world today.
Ecdysteorne belongs to a family of natural plant steroids called “ecdysteroids.”
Ecdysterone works by boosting protein synthesis levels in plants, which allows them to grow and develop extremely quickly.
Some people believe that ecdysterone should work just as well in humans as it does in plants. After all, ecdysterone has a very similar chemical structure to testosterone. If ecdysterone really did boost protein synthesis levels in humans, then it might rival the effects of many anabolic steroids!
So what does the research have to say about ecdysteorne in humans?
There are many human trial on ecdysterone, and so far, the results are EXTREMELY promising. One study shows that ecdysterone can boost muscle protein synthesis levels in humans by as much as 20% (17)! That is an unbelievable result.
Another study actually showed that ecdysterone works better than many anabolic steroids, including dianabol (18)!
Ecdysterone almost sounds too good to be true. However, based on the latest research studies, it is the real deal.
Best of all, ecdysterone has no serious side effects in humans.
Unlike anabolic steroids, it does NOT impact your testosterone levels. This means you don’t have to worry about using a post-cycle therapy after you finish your first ecdysterone cycle.
You may be wondering about the best ecdysterone vendor in Australia.
After looking at dozens of companies, we recommend the online ecdysterone vendor Huge Supplements. We like Huge Supplements because they produce their products in 3rd-party regulated facilities.
Each bottle of Huge Supplements ecdysterone contains the pure ecdysterone and absolutely zero fillers. Best of all, they offer fast and reliable shipping to residence living in Australia.
If you are ready to get started with Huge Supplements ecdysterone, then here is where you can learn more:
Ecdysterone may be the #1 legal steroid alternative in the world today, but that could change soon. There is a new “natural plant steroid” called turkesterone that is shaking up the fitness industry.
So far, no human studies have been performed on turkesterone.
However, the latest animal studies show that turkesterone is even more effective than ecdysterone for building muscle mass (19).
Indeed, many real-world users are reporting that turkesterone is even more powerful than ecdysterone, and results in faster size and strength gains.
If you are ready to get started with turkesterone, then we strongly recommend the online vendor Gorilla Mind. Here is where you can learn more:
Steroids in Australia | Overall
So what’s the verdict – should you take steroids in Australia.
Based on our research, we believe you should NOT take anabolic steroids while living in Australia.
There are several reasons for this.
First of all, steroids are illegal in Australia. You need a doctor’s prescription to legally purchase and use steroids while living in Australia. Anyone who purchases steroids in Australia without a valid prescription could be facing thousands of dollars in fines, or even jail time.
For obvious reasons, this scenario should be avoided at all costs. Fortunately, there are safe and legal alternatives to traditional anabolic steroids.
For men suffering from low T, testosterone replacement therapy can be a great choice. For other men, a powerful “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone or turkesterone can be used to make faster progress in the gym.
So what are you waiting for?
Pick up a bottle of Huge Supplements’ ecdysterone today and take your physique to the next level!