Curious about steroids in Canada?
Do you wonder what the Canadian government has to say about steroids, including whether they are considered a legal recreational drug, or a banned substance?
Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about steroids in Canada, including whether you can legally purchase and use them without breaking the law.
We also answer your most important steroid-related questions, including:
- Are steroids safe?
- Do steroids have long-term side effects?
- Are “legal steroid alternatives” worth trying instead?
…And much more!
Our team at has analyzed all of the Canadian laws on steroids, including whether it is legal to purchase, possess, and use them in Canada. This way, you can make an informed decision on the advantages and disadvantages of using steroids in Canada.
We also analyzed the research on legal steroid alternatives like ecdysterone, in case you are looking for a safer alternative to traditional performance enhancing drugs.
Now let’s get started!
Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.
What Are Steroids?
Steroids are one of the most popular recreational drugs in the world. Millions of men all over the world openly admit to using steroids to reach their fitness goals faster.
But what are steroids, and why do they work so well for building muscle mass?
Steroids are man-made chemicals that mimic the effects of testosterone in the human body. They work by increasing the user’s total testosterone levels, which helps the user to build muscle mass and strength more quickly, among other things.
You may be shocked to learn that millions of men all over the world are currently using steroids.
As much as 6% of all adult men in the world have openly admitted to using steroids in the past, and the numbers are even higher in specific countries (1).
So what kinds of benefits can a first-time steroid user expect?
The truth is, anabolic steroids have many benefits for the serious athlete (2, 3):
- Increased muscle mass
- Increased muscle strength
- Faster recovery from intense workouts
- Faster recovery from injury
- Decreased perceived stress levels
Unfortunately, anabolic steroids are also extremely dangerous. They have many dangerous side effects, and many countries have outright banned them for recreational use.
Here are just a few of the negative side effects associated with long-term steroid use (4, 5):
- Cardiovascular damage
- Increased aggression
- Gynecomastia (“gyno”)
- Damage to other internal organs
These negative side effects are enough to prevent most men from using anabolic steroids. However, some individuals decide to use them – despite the risks involved.
Popular Steroids in Canada
Steroids are becoming more and more popular in the country of Canada.
Many younger individuals are using steroids to build muscle mass and strength, which has many health authorities concerned. In fact, as much as 2.8% of young Canadians has openly admitted to using steroids in the past (6)!
This is a massive number when you think about it.
So what steroids are younger men in Canada using? Based on our research, here are some of the most popular steroids in Canada today:
- Anavar
- Testosterone
- Trenbolone
Let’s take a closer look at each of these steroids.
One of the most popular steroids in Canada is called Anavar. This is often used by beginners new to steroids, as it can be taken orally and it has relatively few side effects.
In fact, anavar is sometimes given to malnourished patients to help them build muscle mass.
Some of the stronger steroids used in Canada include testosterone and HGH. Both of these hormones are naturally produced by the human body, but research shows that they can effectively be used as anabolic steroids.
Some advanced bodybuilders choose to use stronger drugs like trenbolone. However, they are somewhat less popular as they have more severe side effects.
What Do Steroids Do?
Research shows that anabolic steroids are some of the strongest drugs in the world. They have a wide range of benefits for the serious athlete, which explains why they are so popular with younger and older men.
But what benefits do steroids actually have?
Based on our research, here are some of the most common benefits of anabolic steroids (2, 7, 8):
- Increased Muscle Mass
- Increased Muscle Strength
- Improved Body Composition
- Faster Recovery From Workouts
- Increased Red Blood Cell Count
Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.
The most obvious benefits of anabolic steroids include increased muscle mass and strength. Steroids work by increasing testosterone and other muscle-building hormones inside the human body.
These anabolic hormones increase the rate of protein synthesis inside the user’s muscle cells, which results in a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength.
Many people find they can build 10-30 pounds of lean muscle tissue in their first 2-4 month steroid cycle. This is absolutely incredible, as it might take a natural bodybuilder 1-3 years to achieve these kinds of results!
Many steroid users also find that their muscle strength increases very rapidly.
Many people report they have to be more careful in the gym, as their muscles increase in strength far faster than their tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues.
Another huge benefit of steroids is they help you rapidly lose body fat. This is especially true for steroids like testosterone, human growth hormone, and trenbolone.
Research shows that individuals who are “on cycle” have a much easier time losing body fat, and even maintaining their muscle mass while getting leaner. This is one of the big reasons Hollywood actors use anabolic steroids while getting ready for their movie roles.
For example, Zac Efron recently admitted that he used performance enhancing drugs to transform his physique for the movie Baywatch.
Steroids have some additional benefits, such as faster recovery following intense exercise, and improved muscular endurance.
Steroids actually increase the number of red blood cells in your bloodstream. This means your body can transport more oxygen to your muscles, resulting in improved muscular endurance.
As you can see, steroids have a wide range of benefits for the serious athlete.
No wonder they are so popular in a country like Canada!
Side Effects Of Steroids
Steroids are very popular throughout Canada.
In fact, it seems like every year more and more men in Canada are experimenting with anabolic steroids to transform their physiques. However, that doesn’t mean that steroids are 100% safe.
The truth is, steroids have a wide range of side effects, including (9, 10, 11, 12, 13):
- Gyno (gynecomastia)
- Internal organ damage
- Shrinking testicles
- Roid rage
- Depression
Let’s take a closer look at each of these side effects.
One of the most common side effects of anabolic steroids is actually gyno, aka “man boobs.” Gyno occurs when a steroid user develops lumps of breast tissue on top of their chest. This gives the chest a soft, feminine appearance which no man wants.
Gyno is not life threatening. In fact, many men have some amount of gyno throughout their lives with no real issues. However, it is a huge cosmetic concern for many men, and the only way to get rid of it is with cosmetic surgery.
So what causes gyno?
The truth is, your body naturally converts some of your testosterone into the hormone estrogen through a process called “aromatization.”
When someone starts using steroids, their testosterone levels rise to supraphysiological levels. In response, the body will convert slightly more of this testosterone into estrogen to maintain balance between these two hormones.
Unfortunately, some people find their estrogen levels spike while using steroids, which causes gyno.
Of course, there are many more dangerous side effects of steroids that you should be aware of. One of the biggest risks of steroids is actually damage to your internal organs.
Research shows that anabolic steroids can cause long-term damage to your heart, liver, and kidneys. This is bad news for anyone who wants to live a long, healthy life.
Probably the biggest risk factor while cycling steroids is a sudden increase in blood pressure. This puts additional stress on your heart and your entire cardiovascular system, which increases your risk for medical complications.
Long-term steroid use can also cause minor side effects including shrinking testicles, roid rage, and depression.
Anyone interested in using steroids is encouraged to perform extensive research on other possible side effects.
Are Steroids Legal in Canada?
You might be wondering if steroids are legal in Canada.
Can you actually buy, possess, and use anabolic steroids in Canada without breaking any laws? The answer might surprise you.
In Canada, it is actually illegal to purchase anabolic steroids without a valid doctor’s prescription. In other words, if you were to buy steroids online in Canada without a valid note from your doctor, then you could be facing jail time.
Canada classifies anabolic steroids such as testosterone, human growth hormone, and trenbolone as “Schedule I” drugs.
The Canadian government believes that these drugs are extremely dangerous, and should only be available to those with specific medical conditions that justifies their use.
Although it is illegal to purchase steroids without a doctor’s prescription, the laws surrounding steroid possession are much more relaxed.
In Canada, it is actually legal to possess steroids – as long as they are intended for personal use.
Finally, it is illegal to manufacture, import, or export steroids in Canada. Anyone caught breaking these laws may be facing heavy jail time.
For these reasons, we do NOT recommend purchasing steroids in Canada without a doctor’s prescription.
Drug Schedules in Canada
In this section, we will take a closer look at how the Canadian government classifies different illegal drugs, including controlled drugs and prescription medications.
The various Canadian drug schedules are as follows [14]:
Schedule I Drugs
- Require a prescription for sale;
- Are provided to the public by a pharmacist following diagnosis and professional intervention; and
- Are controlled in a regulated environment as defined by provincial pharmacy legislation.
Schedule II Drugs
- Do not require a prescription;
- Are less strictly regulated than Schedule I Drugs;
- Require professional intervention from a pharmacist at point of sale;
- Sometimes require a professional referral; and
- Are available only from a pharmacist and must be stored where there is no public access or opportunity for patient self-selection.
Schedule III Drugs
- Are available without a prescription;
- May pose some risks in some self-selection situations;
- Are sold on store shelves under the direct supervision of the pharmacist; and
- Are subject to any local professional requirements that increase the degree of control in the professional services area.
Fortunately, laxogenin does not appear anywhere in Canada’s list of schedule I, II, or III substances. This means Canadian residents can safely use laxogenin without breaking any laws.
Oral Steroids vs Injectables vs Steroid Creams
Are you curious about the different types of steroids? Do you wonder about the differences between oral vs injectable steroids, or even steroid creams?
If so, you’re not alone. There is a lot of bad information on the internet about the different types of steroids available.
Here at, we’ve taken a deep dive into this topic, so you know you are getting an unbiased review of the data.
There are three main types of anabolic steroids:
- Oral steroids
- Injectable steroids
- Transdermal steroids
Injectable steroids are by far the most popular option. However, oral and transdermal steroids are also available, and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start by looking at the most popular oral steroids.
Based on our research, here are some of the most popular oral steroids available today:
- Anadrol
- Anavar
- Dianabol
- Winstrol
- Restandol
All of these steroids have been shown to build muscle mass and strength. However, Anavar is probably the most popular drug on this list. Anavar was originally developed
Now let’s talk about injectable steroids. Here are some of the most popular injectable steroids on the market today:
- Testosterone
- Trenbolone
- Deca-durabolin
- Equipoise
Testosterone is by far the most popular of the injectable steroids.
Most bodybuilders and athletes who choose to use steroids, end up using testosterone as the foundation of their steroid “stack.”
Regular testosterone is metabolized by the body very quickly. For this reason, most steroid users choose to use a testosterone esther, which is broken down much more slowly.
Many also choose to perform testosterone injections every 2-3 days to maintain more stable blood testosterone levels.
Finally, there are some steroid creams that can be used. For example:
- Testosterone creams
- SARM creams
Steroid creams are far less common than orals and injectables. The problem with creams is it is difficult to raise your total testosterone to supra-physiological levels.
This is not an issue for someone performing a doctor-supervised TRT protocol. However, it may be a liability for an elite athlete looking to maximize their physical performance.
Should You Take Steroids in Canada?
You might be wondering if you should take steroids in Canada.
Is it a good idea to order steroids online while living in Canada, or to bring your own steroids into the country?
Here at, we believe you should NOT take steroids in the Canada. There are several reasons for this:
- Steroids are illegal in Canada
- Steroids have dangerous side effects
- There are safe and legal alternative to steroids
Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.
First of all, steroids are illegal in Canada.
The only way you can legally purchase steroids is with a valid doctor’s prescription. For example, if you are on a doctor-supervised testosterone replacement therapy protocol, then you will be able to purchase your testosterone medication through a pharmacy.
But for everyone else, steroids are 100% illegal in Canada.
Anyone caught purchasing steroids in Canada without a valid prescription could be facing heavy fines, or even jail time.
For this reason alone, we do NOT recommend taking steroids in Canada.
Steroids also have many negative side effects. Research shows that long-term steroid use can cause damage to your heart, liver, and kidneys. Besides, there are plenty of safe alternatives to traditional steroids that you can use to transform your physique.
Based on all of this evidence, we do NOT recommend taking steroids in Canada.
Legal Steroid Alternatives
Overall, we do NOT recommend using steroids in Canada. They are illegal without a doctor’s prescription, and they have many dangerous side effects.
Fortunately, there are many other “legal steroid alternatives” that you can take to transform your physique in record time. Based on our research here at, we believe that ecdysterone is the #1 science-based legal steroid alternative in the world today.
Ecdysterone belongs to a family of natural plant steroids called ecdysteroids. These natural compounds play a critical role in many plants’ growth and development.
Research shows that ecdysteroids actually boost protein synthesis levels in plants, thus allowing them to quickly grow in size.
Some people have theorized that ecdysteroids like ecdysterone might work in humans. After all, ecdysterone has a similar chemical structure to the muscle-building hormone testosterone.
Fortunately, there are plenty of human studies on ecdysterone.
Based on the latest evidence, it looks like ecdysterone works EXTREMELY well in humans for building muscle mass and strength. In fact, one study showed that ecdysterone boosts protein synthesis levels in humans by as much as 20% (15)!
Another study shows that ecdysterone works better than many anabolic steroids, such a dianabol, for building muscle mass (16)!
This almost sounds too good to be true. However, ecdysterone is the real deal. Thousands of real-world users are using ecdysterone, with incredible results.
Best of all, ecdysterone doesn’t have any of the harsh side effects of anabolic steroids.
It works by binding to the estrogen receptors on your muscle cells. From there, it directly boosts muscle protein synthesis levels. Ecdysterone does NOT impact your hormone levels, and it has almost zero side effects.
So where should you buy ecdysterone?
Based on our research, Huge Supplements is the #1 ecdysterone provider in the world today. We like this company because they use the highest quality ingredients in their products.
All of their supplements are produced in the United States under 3rd-party regulated facilities.
When you order from Huge Supplements, you know you are getting the highest quality product available anywhere in the world. Best of all, they have fast and convenient shipping to residents living in Canada.
Ecdysterone is the #1 science-based legal steroid alternative in the world today. However, there is another legal steroid alternative called turkesterone that is currently shaking up the fitness industry.
Turkesterone is another powerful natural plant steroid.
Animal studies show that turkesterone boosts protein synthesis and builds muscle mass even faster than ecdysterone!
So far, there are no human studies on the effects of turkesterone. If you are looking for a science-based product, then ecdysterone is the clear winner.
However, the animal studies for turkesterone are very promising, and most real-world customers agree that turkesterone is even more effective for building muscle mass than ecdysterone (17).
If you are looking for a high-quality turkesterone product, then we strongly recommend Gorilla Mind.
Steroids in Canada | Overall
So what’s the verdict – should you take steroids in Canada?
Based on our research, we believe you should NOT take anabolic steroids while living in Canada.
There are several reasons for this.
First of all, steroids are an illegal “controlled substance” in Canada. Anyone caught purchasing steroids in Canada without a valid doctor’s prescription could face heavy fines, or even jail time.
Steroids also have many serious side effects, and can cause long-term damage to your internal organs.
For these reasons, we believe you should think twice before using steroids in Canada. Fortunately, there are safe and legal alternatives to steroids that you can use to speed up your gains.
For men suffering from low T, a doctor-supervised TRT program can be a great choice. For others, a powerful “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone or turkesterone is the way to go.
So what are you waiting for?
Pick up a bottle of Huge Supplements ecdysterone today and take your physique to the next level!