Steroids in India | What You MUST Know

Dr. Mike Jansen

Last Updated October 5, 2022

Dr. Mike Jansen

 October 5, 2022

Curious about steroids in India?

Do you wonder what the Indian government has to say about steroids, including whether they are considered a legal recreational drug, or a banned substance?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

In this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about steroids in India, including whether they are considered a legal recreational drug, or an illegal “controlled substance.”

We also answer your most important steroid-related questions, including:

  • How do steroids work?
  • Are steroids popular in India?
  • What’s the difference between oral vs injectable steroids?

…And much more!

Our team at has analyzed all of the latest information on controlled substances in India, so know you are getting the most up-to-date information possible.

We also cover the latest research on different “legal steroid alternatives” like ____, in case you are interested in a safe alternative to traditional performance enhancing drugs.

Now let’s get started!

Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

What Are Steroids?

Steroids are one of the most controversial drugs in the world today. Millions of men all of the world are using anabolic steroids, but most health authorities believe they are far too dangerous for recreational use.

So what are steroids, and what effects do they have on the human body?

Anabolic steroids are man-made chemicals that work by increasing men’s testosterone levels to supra-physiological levels.

Testosterone is known as the muscle-building hormone, so it makes sense that steroids would have a powerful impact on the user’s ability to build muscle mass and strength.

Surprisingly, steroids are used by a large percentage of men throughout the world.

As many as 6.4% of adult men have openly admitted to using anabolic steroids, and the numbers are even higher in specific countries (1).

Some people decide to use steroids because of their potential muscle-building benefits. Indeed, anabolic steroids have the following effects in humans (2, 3):

  • Increased muscle mass
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Improved body composition
  • Decreased stress levels

Unfortunately, anabolic steroids also have many dangerous side effects. Many athletes have actually died following long-term steroid abuse, while others have suffered long-term health consequence.

Here are a few of the dangerous side effects of steroid abuse (4, 5):

  • Cardiovascular damage
  • Liver / kidney damage
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Blood clots

As you can see, steroids can be extremely dangerous when used improperly. Of course, that is true for almost any drug.

If someone is interested in using steroids, then we encourage them to perform extensive research on the advantages and disadvantages of them, so they can make a fully-informed decision.

India Steroids

Popular Steroids In India

Steroids are becoming more and more popular all over the world. But is that also true in India?

The truth is, anabolic steroids are extremely popular in India. More and more young athletes are using steroids in India to improve their athletic performance.

In fact, a recent study found that anabolic steroids are extremely widespread in India, with a large number of athletes being suspended from professional sports for using steroids (6).

This has many health authorities alarmed, as steroids have many dangerous side effects. However, young athlete continue to be attracted to them for their performance enhancing benefits.

Here are some of the most popular steroids in India:

  • Anavar
  • Testosterone
  • HGH
  • Trenbolone

The most popular steroids in India include testosterone and human growth hormone. These steroids have been proven to help athletes build muscle mass and strength, as well as recover faster from intense workouts.

Beginners sometimes use anavar in India, as it is an oral steroid with relatively fewer side effects.

Finally, some people in India choose to use more advanced steroids like trenbolone.

These drugs have powerful muscle-building benefits. However, they are also highly toxic to humans with severe side effects.

What Do Steroids Do?

Steroids are some of the most popular drugs in the world. It seems like more people are using steroids every year – especially in our new social media era.

But why are steroids so popular in countries like India?

The truth is, steroids have many benefits for the serious bodybuilder or athlete (2, 7, 8):

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Increased Muscle Strength
  • Improved Body Composition
  • Faster Recovery From Workouts
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count

Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.

Anabolic steroids are incredibly effective at building muscle mass and strength. This isn’t just our opinion, though – countless research studies have demonstrated the muscle-building potential of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

Many first-time steroid users are able to build 10-30 pounds of pure muscle mass in as little as 2-4 months! This is an incredible achievement, as it would take most drug-free athletes 1-3 years to build an equivalent amount of muscle mass.

For many people, steroids are a “shortcut” that can help you build a world-class physique in record time.

Of course, steroids aren’t just for show. They are also extremely effective at building raw strength. This makes sense, as a bigger muscle is often a stronger muscle.

If someone uses steroids to build 10-30 pounds of new muscle tissue, then it’s no surprise that they would also be significantly stronger. Many strength athletes such as powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters, and professional strongmen competitors are notorious for using steroids to increase their raw strength levels.

Of course, steroids are also very effective for losing body fat.

Many Hollywood actors use anabolic steroids to rapidly lose 10-30 pounds of body fat while getting ready for a movie role. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense that steroids would help with losing body fat.

Men with higher testosterone levels are usually leaner than men with low T, so it makes sense that raising your total testosterone even more with steroids would be beneficial for losing body fat.

Finally, steroids also have a positive effect on the user’s recovery ability following intense workouts, as well as their muscular endurance.

This makes steroids attractive for all types of athlete – including those who are not trying to “bulk up.”

Side Effects Of Steroids

Steroids are becoming very popular in countries like India. Every year, more and more people are experimenting with these performance enhancing drugs to improve their physique.

Many Indian health authorities are alarmed by this recent trend. This is understandable, as steroids have many dangerous side effects.

According to research, here are some of the most common side effects associated with long-term steroid use (9, 10, 11, 12, 13):

  • Gyno (gynecomastia)
  • Cardiovascular damage
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Impaired judgement

Let’s take a closer look at each of these side effects.

One of the most obvious side effects of steroids is called “gyno,” or gynecomastia. This is a condition where men develop lumps of breast tissue underneath their nipples. This gives their chest a very unattractive appearance, as the breast tissue is extremely visible.

Just look at Dwayne Johnson before he had gyno surgery if you don’t believe me!

Gyno is caused by imbalanced estrogen levels. Some steroids like testosterone can cause the estrogen levels in your blood to increase – especially if you do not use a proper post-cycle therapy.

Anyone interested in using steroids needs to learn how to monitor their estrogen levels to avoid this unwanted condition.

Of course, steroids also have the potential to cause other, more dangerous side effects. The most dangerous side effects of steroids include high blood pressure and damage to the cardiovascular system.

Steroids are known to increase the thickness of the user’s blood.

This is a good thing for athletic performance, as thicker blood helps you carry more oxygen to your working muscles. However, it comes at a cost: thicker blood increases your risk for high blood pressure, and long-term damage to your heart and blood vessels.

One possible solution for this problem is to donate blood every 3-4 months. Donating blood actually decreases your red blood cell count, which makes your blood thinner. It also has other positive health effects, such as reducing your risk for metabolic syndrome.

Of course, donating blood does not eliminate the cardiovascular risk factors associated with long-term steroid use. It is just one tool that a steroid user might use to minimize their risk of severe side effects.

Other steroid side effects include depression, impaired judgement, erectile dysfunction, and shrinking testicles.

Anyone interested in using steroids must carefully study these side effects, so they can make an informed decision.

Steroids India

Are Steroids Legal in India?

You might be wondering if steroids are legal in India.

Can you actually buy, possess, and use anabolic steroids in India without breaking any laws? The answer might surprise you.

India classifies anabolic steroids as a “schedule H” controlled substance under the Drugs And Cosmetics Act of 1940. This means you can only purchase anabolic steroids in India with a valid prescription from a doctor.

Anyone who violates this law risks facing heavy fines or jail time.

For obvious reasons, we do not recommend purchasing anabolic steroids online in India without a prescription.

The rules for possessing and using steroids in India are a little more relaxed. The Indian government deems it legal for individuals to possess and use steroids – even if they do not have a valid prescription.

This means you can bring steroids to India for personal use. As long as you do not intend to sell them to anyone else, then you should be ok with the law.

Finally, India has rather strict laws regarding importing and exporting steroids. According to the Indian government, it is illegal to import or export steroids in India without a valid prescription.

As you can see, India has some of the strictest steroid use laws in the world.

Oral Steroids vs Injectables vs Steroid Creams

There is a ton of confusion on the internet surrounding the different types of steroids.

Some people think that injectable steroids are the way to go, while others think that oral steroids or even transdermal steroid creams offer a safer alternative to traditional injections.

So who’s right?

The truth is, each of these options has their own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start by looking at some of the most popular oral steroids:

  • Oral steroids
  • Injectable steroids
  • Transdermal steroids

Oral steroids were originally developed by researchers to treat patients suffering from muscle-wasting diseases. Researchers quickly discovered how effective they are, and began developing other administration routes for these drugs.

Let’s start by looking at some of the most popular oral steroids:

  • Anadrol
  • Anavar
  • Dianabol
  • Winstrol
  • Restandol

The main advantage of oral steroids is you do not have to inject them into your body in order for them to work. This makes them a very attractive choice for people who are afraid of needles.

Overall, anavar is probably the most popular oral steroid. It is often used by medical professionals to help frail patients rapidly build muscle mass, and it tends to have fewer side effects than most anabolic steroids.

Now let’s talk about injectable steroids.

Here are some of the most popular injectable steroids on the market today:

  • Testosterone
  • HGH
  • Trenbolone
  • Deca-durabolin
  • Equipoise

Injectable steroid are considered the “gold standard” in the fitness industry. They produce better results than oral steroids and steroid creams.

The main advantage of injectable steroids is the drug directly enters your blood stream. This means you can take large quantities of the drug at once, without worrying about your body properly absorbing it.

Some of the most popular injectable steroids on the market today include testosterone, HGH, and trenbolone. Injectable steroids tend to have more significant side effects than oral steroids, so extreme caution is advised when handling them.

Finally, there are some steroid creams that can be used. For example:

  • Testosterone creams
  • SARM creams

Steroid creams are less popular than oral or injectable steroids, as they tend to be less effective for building muscle mass and strength.

However, steroid creams can be very effective for TRT and other hormone replacement therapy programs, where the goal is to optimize your natural hormone levels.

Should You Take Steroids in India?

You might be wondering if you should take steroids in India. Is it a good idea to order steroids online while living in the India, or to bring your own steroids into the country?

Here at, we believe you should NOT take steroids in India. There are several reasons for this:

  • Steroids are illegal in India
  • Steroids have dangerous side effects
  • There are safe and legal alternative to steroids

Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

First of all, steroids are illegal in India. They can only be bought and used by someone with a valid doctor’s prescription, such as someone on a doctor-supervised TRT protocol.

For everyone else, using steroids in India is illegal.

Anyone caught buying steroids in India without a valid prescription may face significant fines and / or jail time. For obvious reasons, we do NOT recommend taking steroids in India.

The risks of breaking the law do not justify the potential benefits. Steroids are also extremely dangerous, with many well-documented side effects.

Some steroids like testosterone can result in damage to your heart, liver, and kidneys when taken in extremely high doses. Other steroids like trenbolone are extremely toxic to humans at almost any dose.

Besides, there are plenty of safer alternative to traditional anabolic steroids, such as testosterone replacement therapy and “legal steroid alternatives” like ecdysterone.

Overall, we do NOT recommend taking steroids while in India.

Steroids India

Legal Steroid Alternatives

We do NOT recommend taking steroids in India. Steroids are illegal without a prescription, and have many dangerous side effects.

Fortunately, there are many “legal steroid alternatives” that you can use instead.

Legal steroid alternatives are natural supplements that promise similar results to traditional anabolic steroids, but without any of the nasty side effects. Based on our research, the #1 science-based legal steroid alternative in the world today is ecdysteorne.

Ecdysterone is a natural plant steroid found in many plants, such as spinach and quinoa.

Plants produce ecdysterone because it speeds up their overall growth and development. More specifically, ecdysterone boosts protein synthesis levels in plants, thus allowing them to develop much more quickly.

Some people believe that ecdysterone should have similar results in humans. If this was true, then ecdysterone could boost muscle protein synthesis levels in men and rival the effects of traditional anabolic steroids.

Based on the latest studies, it looks like ecdysterone works just as well in humans as it does in plants.

One study shows that ecdysterone can boost muscle protein synthesis levels by as much as 20% (14)! Another showed that ecdysterone actually builds more muscle mass in humans than many traditional anabolic steroids, including dianabol (15).

Is this really possible? A natural plant compound found in spinach, that works as well as steroids for building muscle?

It almost sounds too good to be true. However, the latest research studies show that ecdysterone is the real deal.

So how does ecdysterone work?

The truth is, ecdysterone has a similar chemical structure to the hormone testosterone. However, unlike anabolic steroids, ecdysterone does NOT bind to androgen receptors in humans. Instead, it binds to the estrogen receptors on muscle cells.

From there, it directly boosts muscle protein synthesis levels.

Research shows that ecdysterone has virtually zero side effects – especially when you take the recommended dose of 500 mg per day. It also does not impact your hormone levels. This makes it a great choice for anyone looking for a “natural” alternative to steroids.

There are many great ecdysterone providers in the world today. However, based on our research, Huge Supplements is the clear winner.

We like Huge Supplements because they offer fast and affordable shipping to residents living in India. They are also have a reputation for producing superior-quality ingredients.

Order Ecdysterone from our top-rated USA vendor...

Ecdysterone is the #1 legal steroid alternative in the world today, but that might change soon. There are rumors of a new legal steroid alternative that is shaking up the fitness industry.

That new supplement is called turkesterone.

Turkesterone is another natural plant steroid. So far, there are no human studies on the efficacy of turkesterone. However, the animal studies have been jaw-dropping.

Research shows that turkesterone works even better than ecdysterone for building muscle mass in animals (16). And based on anecdotal evidence, it looks like turkesterone might work even better than ecdysterone in humans, too.

Right now, ecdysterone is the clear “science-based” choice, as it has several human studies proving its efficacy. However, based on the animal studies and real-world results, many people believe that turkesterone is actually the clear winner.

If you are ready to get started with turkesterone, then we strongly recommend the online vendor Gorilla Mind.

Order the best Turkesterone from Gorilla Mind...

Steroids in India | Overall

So what’s the verdict – should you take steroids in India?

Based on our research, we believe you should NOT take anabolic steroids while living in India.

There are several reasons for this.

India classifies anabolic steroids as an illegal controlled substance. The only way to legally purchase steroids in India is with a valid doctor’s prescription. If you are caught trying to purchase steroids in India without a prescription, then you could be looking at heavy fines, or even jail time.

Unless you want to end up in jail, we believe you should refrain from taking steroids in India.

Fortunately, there are many safe, legal alternatives to steroids that you can use while living in India. For many men, testosterone replacement therapy is a safe and effective way to raise their testosterone levels.

Another great choice is to use a powerful “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone or turkesterone.

So what are you waiting for?

Pick up a bottle of Huge Supplements ecdysterone today and take your physique to the next level!


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  8. Andrews MA, Magee CD, Combest TM, Allard RJ, Douglas KM. Physical Effects of Anabolic-androgenic Steroids in Healthy Exercising Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2018 Jul;17(7):232-241. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000500. PMID: 29994823
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  16. Dinan L, Bourne P, Whiting P, et al. Synthesis and biological activities of turkesterone 11alpha-acyl derivatives. J Insect Sci. 2003;3:6. doi:10.1093/jis/3.1.6
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