Steroids in UK | What You MUST Know

Dr. Mike Jansen

Last Updated October 5, 2022

Dr. Mike Jansen

 October 5, 2022

Curious about steroids in the UK?

Do you wonder what the UK government has to say about steroids, including whether they are considered a legal recreational drug, or a banned substance?

Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about steroids in the UK, including whether you can safely use them without risking jail time.

We also answer your most important steroid-related questions, including:

  • Are steroids dangerous?
  • Do steroids have any long-term side effects?
  • Are there safe and effective alternatives to steroids?

…And much more!

Our team at has reviewed official UK laws on steroid use, as well as the latest scientific literature on their safety and efficacy in humans. This way, you know you are getting accurate and science-based answers to all of your questions.

Of course, you can always use a “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone to get similar results, but without any of the nasty side effects of traditional anabolic steroids.

Now let’s get started!

Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

What Are Steroids?

Steroids are a specific type of performance enhancing drug.

Bodybuilders and other athletes sometimes use steroids to increase their athletic performance. However, they are becoming more and more popular with the regular population.

Steroids work by mimicking the effects of testosterone in the human body.

Many steroids, such as dianabol, are actually derivatives of the hormone testosterone. They bind to the androgen receptors on muscle cells, which causes your body to build muscle mass and recover from intense workouts faster than normal.

Steroids are becoming more and more popular with the adult population.

In fact, over 6% of the male population around the world has admitted to using steroids at some point in their lifetime (1).

So why do so many people choose to use anabolic steroids?

The truth is, steroids have many benefits for overall athletic performance. They work by increasing the rate of protein synthesis in side your muscle cells, which has the following real-world benefits (2, 3):

  • Faster muscle growth
  • Faster strength gains
  • Increased recovery ability
  • Improved sexual performance

Unfortunately, steroids also have many dangerous side effects.

In the short term, they can cause side effects like acne, increased aggression, and decreased natural testosterone production. If abused for long periods of time, steroids can actually cause damage to your internal organs, or even death (4, 5).

It’s important to note that steroids are classified as an illegal substance in many countries today.

It is absolutely critical to know what the laws say about buying, possessing, and using anabolic steroids in your home country before handling them.

UK Steroids

Popular Steroids in the UK

Steroids are increasing in popularity in the UK.

More and more younger men are using steroids to bulk up their physique and improve their athletic performance. This has many health authorities concerned, but there’s no denying their widespread popularity.

In fact, studies show that over 1 million men in the UK has used steroids before, and over 50% of these individuals used steroids primarily to improve their physical appearance (6).

So which steroids are people using in the UK?

Based on our research, here are some of the most popular steroids in the UK right now:

  • Anavar
  • Testosterone
  • HGH
  • Trenbolone

Let’s take a quick look at these different steroids.

One of the most common steroids that UK residents start with is called Anavar. This steroid is popular because it has fewer side effect than many other steroids. It is also an oral steroid, meaning you don’t have to inject it into your body to see results.

More experienced steroid users often use testosterone and human growth hormone to increase their gains. The human body naturally makes these hormones, but taking them in injectable form has been proven to boost muscle mass and strength.

Finally, some people choose to use stronger steroids like trenbolone. This drug has more severe side effects, so it is usually only used by advanced athletes.

What Do Steroids Do?

Anabolic steroids are some of the most powerful drugs in the world. Many professional athletes choose to use them, even though they are officially banned from most sports organizations.

But what benefits can you expect while using steroids?

Based on our research, anabolic steroids have the following scientifically proven benefits (2, 7, 8):

  • Increased Muscle Mass
  • Increased Muscle Strength
  • Improved Body Composition
  • Faster Recovery From Workouts
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count

Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.

The main benefit of anabolic steroids is increased muscle mass.

Steroids work by boosting protein synthesis levels inside your muscle cells, which results in larger muscles with more contractile proteins. This is the main reason so many bodybuilders in the UK are interested in steroids: they give your muscles a more full, round appearance.

Many people report gaining 10-30 pounds of pure muscle mass during their first 8-16 week steroid cycle.

These kinds of results would take years to achieve as a natural athlete, so steroids definitely have the potential to speed up your progress.

Another major benefit of anabolic steroids is improved muscle strength.

Many users find that their strength increases extremely rapidly while on cycle. This is particularly interesting to bodybuilders, fighters, and other athletes who benefit from being strong.

Another huge benefit of anabolic steroids is improved body composition.

Research shows that men with higher testosterone levels are much more likely to be lean than men with low T. Well, the same is true for men running steroid cycles!

Some steroids like testosterone and HGH have been shown to help men reduce their body fat levels extremely quickly. In fact, many movie stars and celebrities use steroids to quickly transform their body and get six-pack abs.

Finally, some of the other benefits of steroids include faster recovery from workouts, and increased red blood cell count.

The last one is significant, as it means steroids have the potential to improve your cardiovascular endurance.

This is the reason that Lance Armstrong and other cyclists have used steroids in the past: they help you carry more oxygen in your blood, which has a dramatic effect on your muscular endurance.

Overall, steroids are extremely powerful drugs with a wide range of benefits for the serious athlete.

Side Effects Of Steroids

Steroids are incredibly powerful, with many proven benefits for athletes and recreational bodybuilders.

Unfortunately, they also have several severe side effects that you need to be aware of (9, 10, 11, 12, 13):

  • Gyno (gynecomastia)
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart damage
  • Liver Damage
  • Kidney Damage

Let’s take a closer look at each of these side effects.

One of the biggest side effects of long-term steroid use is gynecomastia, or “gyno” as it is often called. Gyno is a medical condition where a steroid user develops lumps of breast tissue on their chest.

Here’s how it works: when someone starts their first steroid cycle, their testosterone levels will rise to supra-physiological levels. Some of this testosterone will be converted into estrogen through a process called “aromatization.”

If the man’s estrogen levels rise too much, then they will actually develop breast tissue under their nipples. This gives the nipples a puffy or feminine appearance, which is the last thing most steroid users want.

Gyno is not life threatening. However, most men find it very embarrassing, and the only way to get rid of gyno after it develops is through surgery.

Besides gyno, some of the most common side effects of steroids include high blood pressure and heart damage.

Research shows that steroids have the potential to damage your heart and cardiovascular health – especially when taken in large doses. Most of the cardiovascular damage from steroids comes from an increase in blood pressure.

Your heart then has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body, and the increased blood pressure puts additional stress on your arteries.

Many bodybuilders have actually died due to cardiovascular complications, so it is extremely important to monitor your blood pressure regularly while using steroids.

Other side effects of steroids include damage to your liver and kidneys.

Some steroids like trenbolone are especially toxic to the liver, and should be used with extreme caution. Other steroids like testosterone can also stress your liver when taken in large quantities.

Liver and kidney damage is difficult to reverse, so extreme caution should be used when experimenting with anabolic steroids.

Are Steroids Legal in the UK?

You might be wondering if anabolic steroids are legal in the UK.

Can you actually buy and use steroids in the UK without breaking any laws? The answer might surprise you.

The UK Parliament classifies anabolic steroids as a “Class C” controlled drug, along with benzodiazepines, buprenorphrine, and several other drugs.

Steroids can only be purchased in the UK with a prescription from a medical professional.

Purchasing steroids online in the UK without a doctor’s prescription is illegal. If you are caught purchasing or selling anabolic steroids without a prescription, then you could be looking at “unlimited” fines, or up to 14 years in prison.

For obvious reasons, we do NOT recommend purchasing or selling steroids in the UK without a prescription from a healthcare professional.

The rules on possessing anabolic steroids are a little more relaxed.

According to the UK Parliament, it is 100% legal to possess steroids for personal use.

Steroids can also be exported or imported from the country, as long as it is for personal use. For example, it’s perfectly legal to bring steroids to the UK if you intend to use them yourself.

However, importing steroids into the UK with the intention of selling them to other individuals is considered illegal.

For these reasons, we do NOT recommend purchasing steroids in the UK without a doctor’s prescription.

Steroids UK

Drug Schedules in the UK

The UK has very strict regulations on anabolic steroids and other controlled substances. This can be seen from looking at their drug schedule laws.

In fact, we can refer directly to what the NHS has to say regarding anabolic steroids in the UK:

“Anabolic steroids are class C drugs, which can only be sold by pharmacists with a prescription. It’s legal to have anabolic steroids for personal use. They can also be imported or exported, as long as this is carried out in person.

This means they can’t be posted or delivered by a courier or freight service.

However, it’s illegal to possess, import or export anabolic steroids if it’s believed you’re supplying or selling them. This includes giving them to friends. The penalty is an unlimited fine, or even a prison sentence of up to 14 years.

In the UK, there are actually 5 different classifications of drugs, depending on their safety profile. Anabolic steroids are considered a schedule 3 drug, which means they can only be supplied by a doctor as a prescription medication.

Here are the UK drug schedules, as detailed by the UK Parliament:

Schedule 1

  • These are drugs that are viewed as having no therapeutic value and cannot be lawfully possessed or distributed, such as LSD and MDMA. A Home Office license is required if you want to conduct research on these drugs for personal matters.

Schedule 2 and 3

  • The drugs in these schedules can be prescribed, legally possessed, and supplied by pharmacists and doctors. If you have a prescription, you can lawfully possess them, otherwise, it is a criminal offence. Examples of schedule 2 drugs are methadone, heroin, and cannabis. Schedule 3 drugs include subutex and most of the barbiturate family.

Schedule 4 (i) & (ii)

  • Schedule 4(i) oversees control of most of the benzodiazepines, and can only be possessed under prescription.
  • The drugs falling under Schedule 4(ii) can be possessed for personal use, and can be imported or exported for personal use where a person himself carries out that importation or exportation. The most common example of a schedule 4(ii) drug is steroids.

Schedule 5

  • Schedule 5 drugs are sold over the counter. Possession of these substances is allowed without a prescription.
  • Upon reviewing the data, turkesterone isn’t listed in any category of scheduled substances in the UK, which means there are no restrictions on using, buying, selling, or importing turkesterone in the UK.

Again, the important thing to know is that anabolic steroids can only be sold as a prescription medication in the UK.

Anyone looking to purchase steroids without a valid prescription is breaking the law, and could face serious fines, or even jail time.

Oral Steroids vs Injectables vs Steroid Creams

Are you curious about the different types of anabolic steroids? Do you wonder why some steroids have to be injected to work properly, while others can be administered orally, or with a transdermal cream?

If so, you’re not alone. There is a ton of confusion out there surrounding the different types of anabolic steroids, and their administration routes. Let’s clear up the confusion by taking a closer look at the facts.

There are three main types of anabolic steroids:

  • Oral steroids
  • Injectable steroids
  • Transdermal steroids

Each of these options has their own advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start by looking at the different oral steroids.

Oral steroids are extremely popular with beginners and people new to anabolic steroids.

The benefit if an oral steroid is you don’t have to inject hormones into your body using insulin needles. Instead, you can simply take an oral pill and get all the benefits of the drug.

Here are some of the most popular oral steroids on the market today:

  • Anadrol
  • Anavar
  • Dianabol
  • Winstrol
  • Restandol

Anavar is probably the most popular oral steroid.

It was originally developed to help treat patients suffering from muscle-wasting diseases. However, today it is often used by bodybuilders and other athletes.

Anavar has been proven to result in significant muscle mass gains. However, unlike most steroids, the side effects are relatively small.

Anavar remains popular with both men and women for it’s muscle-building benefits.

Now let’s talk about injectable steroids. Here are some of the most popular injectable steroids on the market today:

  • Testosterone
  • HGH
  • Trenbolone
  • Deca-durabolin
  • Equipoise

Testosterone is easily the most popular anabolic steroid in the world today. It has many proven benefits, including increased muscle mass and strength, and improved recovery times following intense workouts.

Of course, testosterone also has many severe side effects, and should be used with extreme caution.

Finally, there are some steroid creams that can be used. For example:

  • Testosterone creams
  • SARM creams

Testosterone and some SARMs can be taken using a transdermal cream.

Testosterone creams are less popular than traditional testosterone injections, as it is difficult to get your total testosterone levels into the supra-physiological range using them.

However, they remain a valid option for certain individuals – especially those on a doctor-supervised TRT protocol.

Should You Take Steroids in the UK?

You might be wondering if you should take steroids in the UK.

Is it a good idea to order steroids online while living in the UK, or to bring your own steroids into the country?

Here at, we believe you should NOT take steroids in the UK. There are several reasons for this:

  • Steroids are illegal in the UK
  • Steroids have dangerous side effects
  • There are safe and legal alternative to steroids

Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.

First of all, steroids are illegal in the UK. It is illegal to purchase steroids in the UK without a doctor’s prescription. Anyone caught buying steroids in the UK without a valid prescription could be looking at heavy fines, or even jail time.

For this reason alone, we do NOT recommend using steroids in the UK.

Steroids also have many dangerous side effects. Many drugs like testosterone and trenbolone can be extremely toxic to the body – especially when taken in higher doses.

Some people believe the short-term benefits of steroids outweigh the risks. However, you can’t put a price on your long-term health.

Overall, we believe using anabolic steroids is a poor choice for most people, as the long-term health consequences outweigh any short-term benefits.

Finally, there are safe and legal alternatives to steroids.

Many people are getting great results with a doctor-supervised TRT protocol, or even various “legal steroid alternatives.”

Steroids UK

Legal Steroid Alternatives

Taking anabolic steroids in the UK is not a good idea. They are illegal, and they have many dangerous side effects.

Fortunately, there are many “legal steroid alternatives” that you can use to transform your physique in record time. Based on our research, the best legal steroid alternative on the market today is called ecdysterone.

Ecdysterone belongs to a family of natural plant steroids called “ecdysteroids.”

Plants produce ecdysterone and other ecdysteroids because they speed up their overall growth and development.

Actually, research shows that ecdysterone works by boosting protein synthesis levels in plants. This is fascinating, because anabolic steroids work the same way in humans: by boosting protein synthesis levels!

Could ecdysterone actually boost protein synthesis levels in humans the same way it does in plants, and there rival the effects of anabolic steroids?

Based on our research, the answer to this question is a resounding “yes.”

Ecdysterone has been studied in numerous human trials, and so far, it has produced incredible results. Studies show that ecdysteorne can boost muscle protein synthesis levels by as much as 20% in humans (14)!

This is an unbelievable result. In fact, studies show that ecdysterone works even better than many anabolic steroids, such as dianabol, for building muscle mass and strength (15).

Is this really possible? A natural plant supplement that works better than traditional steroids like dianabol?

It sounds too good to be true. However, these results have been confirmed in numerous research studies. So far, it looks like ecdysterone is the real deal.

So how does Ecdysterone work?

Ecdysterone actually has a similar chemical structure to the hormone testosterone. However, unlike anabolic steroids, ecdysterone does NOT bind to androgen receptors in humans.

Instead, it is believed to bind directly to estrogen receptors on your muscle cells.

From there, it exerts many different physiological effects, including boosting muscle protein synthesis levels.

Best of all, ecdysterone is perfectly safe. Ecdysterone does NOT impact your hormone levels, which means you do not have to use a post-cycle therapy. You also do not have to worry about the dangerous side effects associated with steroids.

If you are looking for a great ecdysteorne product, then we strongly recommend the online ecdysterone vendor Huge Supplements. They manufacture their ecdysterone supplement in the United States under FDA regulated facilities.

This means you are getting the highest quality product available anywhere in the world.

Order Ecdysterone from our top-rated USA vendor...

Ecdysterone is the most popular legal steroid alternative on the market today. However, it is not the only one.

Based on our research, turkesterone is another up-and-coming supplement that you should consider.

Turkesterone is another ecdysteroid. It works the same way as ecdysterone: by boosting muscle protein synthesis.

So far, no human trials have been performed on turkesterone. However, the animal trials are extremely promising. Research shows that turkesterone works EVEN BETTER than ecdysterone for boosting muscle mass and strength in animals (16).

Many people believe turkesterone should work even better in humans than ecdysterone, and based on anecdotal evidence, they could be right.

If you are looking for a great turkesterone product, then we strongly recommend the online vendor Gorilla Mind.

Order the best Turkesterone from Gorilla Mind...

Steroids in the UK | Overall

So what’s the verdict – should you take steroids in the UK?

Based on our research, we believe you should NOT take anabolic steroids while living in the UK.

There are several reasons for this.

Steroids are considered a “controlled substance” in the UK. This means it is illegal for anyone to purchase steroids without a valid prescription from a doctor. Anyone caught trying to purchase steroids without a prescription may face heavy fines, or even jail time.

There are plenty of safe and legal alternatives to steroids for anyone living in the UK.

If you have low T, then testosterone replacement therapy can be a great choice. For other people, using a great “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone or turkesterone is the way to go.

So what are you waiting for?

Pick up a bottle of Huge Supplements ecdysterone today and take your physique to the next level!


  1.  Sagoe D, Molde H, Andreassen CS, Torsheim T, Pallesen S. The global epidemiology of anabolic-androgenic steroid use: a meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis. Ann Epidemiol. 2014 May;24(5):383-98. doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2014.01.009. Epub 2014 Jan 30. PMID: 24582699.
  2. “The Influence Of Anabolic Steroids On Physiologic Processes And Exercise.” Physiopedia.
  3. Andrews MA, Magee CD, Combest TM, Allard RJ, Douglas KM. Physical Effects of Anabolic-androgenic Steroids in Healthy Exercising Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2018 Jul;17(7):232-241. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000500. PMID: 29994823.
  4. Chegeni R, Pallesen S, McVeigh J, Sagoe D. Anabolic-androgenic steroid administration increases self-reported aggression in healthy males: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2021 Jul;238(7):1911-1922. doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05818-7. Epub 2021 Mar 20. PMID: 33745011; PMCID: PMC8233285.
  5. Albano GD, Amico F, Cocimano G, et al. Adverse Effects of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids: A Literature Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(1):97. Published 2021 Jan 19. doi:10.3390/healthcare9010097
  7. Friedl KE, Dettori JR, Hannan CJ Jr, Patience TH, Plymate SR. Comparison of the effects of high dose testosterone and 19-nortestosterone to a replacement dose of testosterone on strength and body composition in normal men. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1991;40(4-6):607-12. doi: 10.1016/0960-0760(91)90283-b. PMID: 1958561.
  8. Andrews MA, Magee CD, Combest TM, Allard RJ, Douglas KM. Physical Effects of Anabolic-androgenic Steroids in Healthy Exercising Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2018 Jul;17(7):232-241. doi: 10.1249/JSR.0000000000000500. PMID: 29994823
  9. Chegeni R, Pallesen S, McVeigh J, Sagoe D. Anabolic-androgenic steroid administration increases self-reported aggression in healthy males: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2021 Jul;238(7):1911-1922. doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05818-7. Epub 2021 Mar 20. PMID: 33745011; PMCID: PMC8233285.
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  13. Harvey, O., Keen, S., Parrish, M. et al. Support for people who use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids: A Systematic Scoping Review into what they want and what they access. BMC Public Health 19, 1024 (2019).
  14. Parr MK, Botrè F, Naß A, Hengevoss J, Diel P, Wolber G. Ecdysteroids: A novel class of anabolic agents?. Biol Sport. 2015;32(2):169-173. doi:10.5604/20831862.1144420
  15. Isenmann E, Ambrosio G, Joseph JF, Mazzarino M, de la Torre X, Zimmer P, Kazlauskas R, Goebel C, Botrè F, Diel P, Parr MK. Ecdysteroids as non-conventional anabolic agent: performance enhancement by ecdysterone supplementation in humans. Arch Toxicol. 2019 Jul;93(7):1807-1816. doi: 10.1007/s00204-019-02490-x. Epub 2019 May 23. PMID: 31123801.
  16. Dinan L, Bourne P, Whiting P, et al. Synthesis and biological activities of turkesterone 11alpha-acyl derivatives. J Insect Sci. 2003;3:6. doi:10.1093/jis/3.1.6
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