TRT in Australia | What You MUST Know

Dr. Diana Rangave

Last Updated August 25, 2022

Dr. Diana Rangave

 August 25, 2022

Are you curious about TRT in Australia?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

In this detailed guide, we’ll break down everything you must know about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) in Australia.

We also answer your most important questions, including:

  • Can I get TRT online?
  • Is TRT covered by Medicare?
  • What about the PBS?
  • What kind of doctor do I need to see for TRT?

We’ll also go through an overview of what testosterone is, side effects from TRT, costs, and any legal issues you might need to know about.

Whether you’ve been on TRT for a while, or just looking to get tested to see if you should start, we guarantee you will learn something new in this guide.

Let’s start with a rundown about what testosterone actually is…

Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is most commonly known as the male sex hormone. It plays an important hormone that regulates a variety of biological functions in both men and women [1, 2].

Testosterone is responsible for the development of male characteristics in adolescent boys, and it remains essential for good health and optimum physical and sexual performance throughout adulthood [3].

Testosterone plays an important role in both genders. However, testosterone levels are generally 10—20 times higher in men than in women [4].

Estrogen is the dominant female sex hormone. As one would expect, levels are far higher in women than in men.

But again, men do require some estrogen to be present for good health.

Contrary to popular belief, optimum hormonal levels in men is actually determined by a favorable ratio of testosterone to estrogen, along with adequate testosterone levels [5]. This ratio is heavily skewed towards testosterone, with levels of circulating testosterone outweighing estrogen by a huge margin in healthy men [6].

Unfortunately, the prevalence of low testosterone levels, aka hypogonadism, is increasing in men of all ages.

Researchers have long known that elderly men are prone to experiencing low testosterone levels. However, it is now being recognized in middle-aged men and even adolescents [7, 8, 9].

Low testosterone levels for men of any age are a concern. Here are just a few of the problems caused by low T [1, 10, 11, 12]:

  • Erectile dysfunction and other difficulties with sexual performance
  • Increased rates of depression and low energy
  • Difficulty building and holding onto lean muscle mass
  • Increased risk of a range of health problems, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease

So, when a man finds out he has low testosterone, what are the options?

Therapy Clinics in Australia

What is TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)?

Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a safe and effective way to increase low testosterone levels [13].

TRT has been in use for decades, and is currently the gold standard of treatment for men with low testosterone levels.

Here’s how it works: when your doctor confirms that you have low testosterone levels with a blood test, he or she can give you a prescription testosterone medication to rebalance your hormone levels.

Fortunately, there are many forms of testosterone medications that you can choose from.

Testosterone injections were popular for a long time, but now a lot of men administer testosterone with creams, gels, and patches [14]. While testosterone is technically classified as a steroid, TRT is very different from anabolic steroids.

Anabolic steroids are typically used by athletes or bodybuilders to achieve supraphysiological (well above normal) testosterone levels.

This comes with a range of benefits for physical performance and muscle mass, along with a greatly increased risk of side effects and health concerns [15].

Steroid users also often use a variety of other compounds in addition to testosterone.

With TRT, men are administered modest doses of testosterone to bring low levels into the normal range. The form of testosterone administered in TRT closely resembles the form that is already used by the body.

Many men are now choosing to use “bio-identical” testosterone, which is identical to the testosterone naturally produced by humans.

TRT is generally safe and well-tolerated, but there are a few side effects to be aware of [13].

Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Side Effects and Safety Concerns

All medications come with side effects and safety concerns, and testosterone is no exception.

The list of potential, but uncommon side effects of TRT include [16]:

  • Fluid retention
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Acne
  • Stress on the liver
  • Gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue)
  • Irritation at the site of injection or application

There are some safety concerns with TRT, but it is important to note that these are very rare.

Interestingly, research is now showing that many of these side effects are less common than previously thought [17].

The list of safety concerns with TRT includes [16]:

  • General cardiovascular risks
  • Could worsen prostate cancer
  • Fertility issues
  • Can negatively impact obstructive sleep apnea

While the above list of potential side effects and safety concerns is something to keep in mind, research shows that most men do not experience any problems with TRT if it is appropriately administered [13].

When considering TRT, men and their doctors should keep in mind the huge benefits in quality of life and general health that come from addressing low testosterone levels, and balance these with any potential risks [16].

TRT australia

TRT in Australia | Legalities, Regulations, and More

Ok. We’re going to get into some technical stuff here, but don’t worry. We’ll break it all down in a way that is easy to understand.

Some people are wary about discussing TRT with their doctor because they think it is illegal.

This is absolutely false!

Testosterone has a bit of a bad reputation thanks to the illegal use of anabolic steroids in sports. As we have already mentioned, there is a big difference between TRT and the abuse of anabolic steroids for performance and physique enhancement.

It is possible to be prescribed testosterone for HRT in Australia legally, but there are some regulations and legal issues to be aware of.

Once you understand these, the process for being prescribed TRT will be much clearer.

How Is TRT Scheduled?

First off, let’s look at the basics of how medications are controlled in Australia. The agency responsible for scheduling medicines, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), explains [18]:

“Scheduling is a national classification system that controls how medicines and poisons are made available to the public. Medicines and poisons are classified into Schedules according to the level of regulatory control over the availability of the medicine or poison required to protect public health and safety.”

Testosterone is classified as a schedule 4 medicine — ’Prescription Only Medicine’.

Now, the TGA schedules are not technically a piece of legislation. They are Government policy around how certain substances should be controlled and don’t have any legal authority on their own.

The legislation we are interested in with TRT, is the Poisons Standard [19].

Is Testosterone Illegal in Australia?

Testosterone (in the form used for TRT) comes under “Appendix D, 5.” of the Poisons Standard. This includes substances “for which possession without authority is illegal (e.g. possession other than in accordance with a legal prescription)” [19].

We can see then, that in Australia, it is legal to possess (and use) testosterone if it is prescribed by a doctor. Possession of testosterone without a prescription in Australia is illegal.

Penalties for illegal possession vary state by state.

So, men in Australia who need TRT are in luck. If you have low testosterone and get a prescription from a doctor, it is readily available from most local pharmacies.

Unfortunately, many men face a bit of a struggle getting a prescription…

No need to worry. In the next section, we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting a prescription for TRT. We will even give you the details of some of the best providers in Australia.

How to Get Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Australia

If TRT is safe, legal, and readily available, why is it difficult to get a prescription for Australia?

There are a few reasons behind this, such as:

  • The negative perceptions of testosterone in the community (largely due to illegal use in sports)
  • Changes to the rules around the prescription of TRT in 2015
  • Lack of awareness amongst doctors about the guidelines for prescribing TRT
  • Limited understanding in the medical community about the harms of low testosterone and the benefits of TRT

We can’t do much about the first point, but we can help you navigate the last three.

Let’s start by looking at what changed in 2015.

PBS Changes In 2015

In 2015, after noticing a large increase in the use of TRT over the past decade, the Australian Government made substantial changes to how it funds TRT.

In Australia, most medications that are prescribed for legitimate medical use are subsidized by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). The PBS outlines what medications the Government will subsidize and in what situations (e.g. for specific medical conditions).

While Medicare and the PBS aren’t directly linked, it would be fair to say that many doctors are wary of providing treatment that falls outside of either system.

Put simply, doctors can get a bit nervous prescribing treatment that is not PBS or Medicare approved.

This sounds reasonable in theory, but the situation with TRT shows that government guidelines aren’t always focused on what is best for the patient.

In 2015, the PBS changed the rules around what is classified as low testosterone from 8nmol/L to 6nmol/L [20]. For reference, our evidence based guide puts optimal levels for men beginning at almost 4 times that level.

Similarly, the Endocrine Society of America suggests a cutoff for a diagnosis of low testosterone of 10.4nmol/L [21].

We will leave you to speculate on the motives behind this change…

It is telling that the key findings published by the PBS in a review 12 months later were almost exclusively focused on cost savings to the government [22].

As one would expect, the changes resulted in a sharp decline in new and existing TRT prescriptions in Australia.

Understanding Private Scripts

For people who don’t meet the PBS criteria for TRT, there is still hope.

The key is to see a doctor experienced with TRT, who is willing to provide a private script.

While the PBS guidelines stipulate that you need to see an endocrinologist (hormonal specialist), this is not technically necessary. A general practitioner (or other suitably trained doctor) can prescribe TRT through a private script.

Private scripts are perfectly legal.

The term simply describes treatment that is not funded through the PBS and sometimes falls outside of Medicare as well.

With a private script you can still get the treatment needed, just you won’t be eligible for Government subsidies.

While this may sound expensive, we will break down how private scripts are actually an affordable option in an upcoming section.

How To Talk To a Doctor About TRT

Fortunately, some doctors are very understanding about TRT.

They understand that government guidelines can sometimes be more focused on cost savings than personal wellbeing, and are willing to give their patients a fair go.

If you suspect you have low testosterone, first and foremost, see a doctor experienced in TRT.

It is MUCH easier to work with a doctor who understands TRT and isn’t biased against this essential treatment for men, than it is to try to change the mind of a doctor who isn’t supportive.

Once you have chosen a doctor, simply explain some of your symptoms. Check out the list on health direct if you need help using official terminology that will be familiar to your doctor [23].

Your doctor may order a blood test to confirm your levels, but symptoms do form an important part of the diagnosis as well.

They will probably cover the potential for abuse of testosterone and potential risks. This is because even on a private script, doctors are bound by standards set by the Allied Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.

Even if treatment isn’t subsidized by the Government, it needs to follow basic standards for high-quality medical care.

In an exciting development, there are now TRT doctors available online and via telehealth in Australia.

Let’s take a look at our top recommendation.

TRT australia

Online TRT Doctors in Australia | #1 Option?

If you’re looking for an online TRT doctor in Australia, our top pick is Low T Clinic.

There are some other options, but none can compete with the ease of access, affordability, and professionalism of Low T Clinic.

Here are the steps for getting started with an online TRT clinic:

  • Step #1 – Fill out an online questionnaire
  • Step #2 – Book a consultation with your online TRT doctor
  • Step #3 – Perform a simple blood test
  • Step #4 – Review the results with your doctor
  • Step #5 – Wait patiently while they ship your testosterone medication

Let’s take a closer look at each of these steps.

To get assessed, all you need to do is jump onto their website and fill out an online questionnaire. You will then be given the opportunity to book a consultation, where a doctor experienced in TRT will review all of your details.

There is a small fee of $250 at this stage, but if you do not qualify for treatment, then it is fully refundable.

If you do qualify, the fee goes towards the cost of treatment.

The next step is a blood test. You will be sent a pathology request form to get a current baseline testosterone level and anything else that might need monitoring.

Once the results are in, it’s time to speak with the doctor.

On your call, the doctor will examine your blood test results, symptoms, and medical history. They will discuss whether TRT might be beneficial and if so, outline your treatment options.

If you decide to go ahead with TRT, the doctor will send a prescription to a specialized compounding pharmacy and medication will be delivered to your door.

  • No long clinic visits
  • No expensive specialist appointments
  • No unnecessary trips to the pharmacy

Seriously, getting started with online TRT is that easy…

To ensure you get the most out of TRT, Low T Clinic provides ongoing monitoring for all of their patients. If needed, the dose can be adjusted, and any side effects or concerns can be worked through.

If you have been wondering about TRT for a while or have had a rough time getting help with your symptoms from other doctors, give Low T Clinic a go.

They are available Australia wide and have a 24/7 messaging service to answer any of your questions.

Before we go on to look at local TRT clinics throughout Australia, a note on testimonials…

Australian law actually prohibits the use of testimonials about regulated health services [24]. This is why you won’t find any user reviews about Low T Clinic, or any of the services we are going to run through next.

TRT Cost in Australia | What You Must Know

Unfortunately, we can’t give exact costs for TRT or HRT in Australia.

The price of treatment will depend on the individual doctor you see, whether treatment is subsidized through the PBS and Medicare, and what form of TRT you are using (ie. gel, patches, injections).

What we can tell you, is that it’s not worth getting too hung up on whether you qualify for a PBS or Medicare subsidy.

One of the PBS guideline requirements says that anyone receiving TRT through this system needs to see an endocrinologist as part of their treatment. While this might help you qualify for “subsidized treatment”, the gap payment for endocrinologist appointments and extra tests will quickly eat up any subsidy you receive.

For most people, a private script is the most efficient and cost-effective way of obtaining testosterone replacement therapy in Australia.

Costs of HRT patches in Australia and testosterone formulations have come down a lot in price in recent years. Most men find that their monthly supply of TRT patches or gels costs $50—$100.

Once everything is all set up, the only other HRT cost in Australia is a review with a TRT doctor once or twice a year for ongoing prescriptions.

TRT in Sydney, Australia

The best TRT clinic in Sydney also offers telehealth, so even if you’re not local they will be able to help you out.

The Testo Clinic in Crows Nest is a straight-up, no-frills clinic with a simple offering. They provide TRT to men who need it and make the process as easy and efficient as possible.

By partnering with a network of local and national doctors who are experienced with TRT, The Testo Clinic will link you up with someone who can discuss your concerns and come up with a treatment plan to deal with low testosterone.

The number one aim of The Testo Clinic is to make sure that you, the patient, can make an informed choice about what to do about low testosterone.

They want you to feel empowered and in control of your health.

Give The Testo Clinic a call now on 1300 983 126, or start by doing their online assessment.

TRT in Melbourne, Australia

Residents of Melbourne are incredibly lucky to have access to the exclusive Melbourne Sports Medicine & Anti-Aging Science (MSMAAS) clinic.

MSMAAS in Moonee Ponds is one of the most experienced and comprehensive anti-aging, sports, cosmetic, and physique-focused clinics in Australia.

What sets MSMAAS apart from other TRT clinics in Melbourne, is that they can help patients with low testosterone get the most out of their TRT.

Not only will they prescribe testosterone, but MSMAAS will look at every other aspect of health that can support optimum hormonal levels.

The experienced team at MSMAAS can help patients with diet, exercise, supplements, weight loss, and physique improvement. All of these services complement TRT, ensuring that men treated at MSMAAS get the absolute best results possible.

TRT in Perth, Australia

The choice for TRT in Perth is simple.

Perth Men’s Health is hands down, the best choice of TRT clinic in Perth.

Perth Men’s Clinic has been in operation since 1992 and was founded by the internationally respected sexual medicine physician, Dr Denis Cherry.

When it comes to low testosterone, the whole team at Perth Men’s Clinic just “gets it”. If you don’t believe us, go to their website and read the scenario about male hormones.

You can see that the doctors at Perth Men’s Clinic don’t just understand the medical aspects of low testosterone.

They also get the prejudices against TRT and the personal impact low testosterone levels can have on a man.

When you choose Perth Men’s Clinic for TRT, you are investing in treatment that will provide benefits to your entire life and wellbeing, not just testosterone levels.

TRT in Gold Coast, Australia

Our top pick of TRT clinics in Goldcoast is Performance Health Clinic (PHC).

With a mission to disrupt the men’s health industry, PHC has an interesting approach to TRT. PHC absolutely believes in the medical management of low testosterone levels, but they know that to achieve optimal wellness, men need comprehensive treatment and support.

At your first appointment, a doctor experienced in TRT will run through symptoms, arrange the necessary blood tests and discuss potential treatment options.

Getting men with low testosterone levels started on TRT as soon as possible is the top priority at PHC.

Once TRT is started, the team at PHC will cover all of the lifestyle approaches men with low testosterone need to be aware of to regain optimal health.

PHC can provide advice and support with exercise, diet, stress management, sexual health, and anything else that may be impacting testosterone and wellness.

If you are looking for a clinic that will address everything related to low testosterone and men’s health, PHC is it.

TRT in Australia | The Ultimate Guide

We got into some complicated stuff in this guide.

Due to Governmental regulations and cultural bias, getting TRT in Australia can be a little more complicated than in other countries.

Many doctors in Australia are prejudiced against TRT. It is quite likely that just going to your local doctor and explaining symptoms won’t get you the treatment you need.

Fortunately, there are many doctors in Australia who are keen to help men with low testosterone.

Here are our recommended TRT clinics in Australia:

These doctors understand the impact of low testosterone. They understand that there are safe, effective treatments available, that are perfectly legal to provide under Australian law.

We have detailed some local options for TRT, but our recommendation is to start with online treatment.

Online or telehealth TRT is by far the easiest, cheapest, and fastest way for most men to get TRT.

In most cases, it completely resolves the problems associated with low testosterone, and nothing more than a checkup once or twice a year is required on an ongoing basis.

Sign up for TRT today with our top-rated USA doctors...


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