Turkesterone Dosage Guide | Bodybuilding, Cycling, and Safety

Dr. Mike Jansen

Last Updated December 17, 2022

Dr. Mike Jansen

 December 17, 2022

Curious about the best turkesterone dosage?

Do you want to know exactly how much turkesterone you should take to maximize your results, while minimizing any potential side effects?

Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about turkesterone dosage, including how to cycle this product for optimal results.

We also answer your most important questions, including:

  • Is turkesterone safe?
  •  Does turkesterone build muscle?
  •  How fast does turkesterone start working?

…And much more!

Our team has looked through several studies and proven data which offer in-depth, science-based answers to these questions and more, so that you are able to access the most current and accurate information available.

Whether you’re looking to put on muscle mass or lean up, the ideal turkesterone dose for bodybuilders and strength athletes is found below.

Now let’s get started!

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Turkesterone Dosage Calculator

The dosing protocol for the potent natural steroid alternative known as turkesterone has yet to be standardized and optimized, as no human trials have been conducted on it.

However, research on nearly identical compounds, such as ecdysterone, has shown that gains in muscle mass, stamina, and strength have been found even with particularly low dosages of 30 mg per day [1].

While it is true that everyone’s body is different,, the optimal turkesterone dosage to see visible progress in the gym will depend on your individual physicality, as well as how your body carries out certain processes, like protein synthesis.

We recommend playing it safe with your dosages and keeping them at a level of under 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight daily.

A general recommendation is to begin taking a turkesterone supplement in dosages of 500 milligrams per day to evaluate tolerance and effects.

Like ecdysterone, the dose can be taken all at once, or split in two. This amount can also be taken for 8 to 12 weeks [2].

Keep in mind that a major advantage that turkesterone possesses over anabolic steroids is that there’s no need to do a post cycle therapy, which a supplement protocol frequently used once a steroid cycle is finished with the goal of restoring hormonal balance back to normal.

The muscle-building and stamina-enhancing effects of turkesterone depend on the amount taken.

This explains why studies where the dosages were higher show that test subjects exhibited improvements in strength and stamina in tandem with the dosage [3]. However, the maximum recommended dose of turkesterone tends to be no higher than 500 milligrams in one day, and has even shown that anabolic effects tend to plateau around that level [1, 4].

Turkesterone Dosage

What is Turkesterone?

Turkesterone is a natural plant steroid that is closely related to ecdysterone.

These two legal steroid alternatives are often lumped together, as they are both naturally-occurring plant compounds found in thistle-like plants, most of which grow in Siberia and Bulgaria, as well as central Asian countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan [1].

Turkesterone belongs to a large family of substances called ecdysteroids.

Also known as phytoecdysteroids, they are a class of hormone compounds not too different from androgens in both their structure and effects.

In fact, research on both animals and humans has shown that phytoecdysteroids are active in protein synthesis, which is done by stimulating the activity of polyribosomes, which are cytoplasmic compartments within cells where protein synthesis occurs.

This stimulation produces effects deemed favorable by bodybuilders and athletes, such as increased muscle mass, strength, and recovery [5].

Commonly referred to as ‘plant steroids’, ecdysteroids are found primarily in plants like spinach and quinoa, as well as certain arthropod insects. The prefix ‘ecdy’ refers to the process of molting in insects, called ecdysis [6].

While there are over 200 ecdysteroids that are currently known to researchers, the four most-studied are ecdysone, ecdysterone, turkesterone and 20-hydroxyecdysone.

According to a variety of studies, ecdysteroids like ecdysterone and turkesterone behave in a very similar manner as anabolic steroids in humans.

The key difference, though, is that they are not androgenic, meaning they do not cause changes in the hormonal levels of humans.

This is why they’re commonly dubbed ‘natural steroid alternatives’ [7].

First isolated in 1975 in Russia, turkesterone is commonly extracted from plants such as Leuzea Carthamoides, Rhaponticum, Stemmacantha Uniflora, Vitex Fisherii, and Cyanotis Vaga.

One of the plants it’s most frequently extracted from is Ajuga Turkestanica – a plant with a long history of use in traditional medicine for its anabolic, adaptogenic, hepatoprotective and hypoglycemic activity [1].

In fact, these plants have been valued for their beneficial effects on muscle strength and stomach aches, as well as preventing heart diseases.

When it comes to modern day use, turkesterone is taken to boost muscle growth and athletic performance. However, turkesterone is not abundantly found in any common foods, such as quinoa or spinach, like its close cousin, ecdysterone.

Turkesterone Cycle Guide

How long should a turkesterone cycle be?

If you intend to maximize the benefits derived from using turkesterone, then knowing how to properly dose and cycle this potent plant steroid is paramount. In this section, we’ve gathered information regarding how to use this ecdysteroid in a safe and optimal manner.

Keep in mind that anabolic steroids are normally administered with the use of a syringe, which is usually uncomfortable and expensive.

Even though oral steroids and pro-hormones might be seen as safer alternatives, the reality is that these substances are also known to produce undesirable and sometimes even disastrous side effects.

Generally, the use of needles acts as a deterrent to athletes who seek to take compounds for the purpose of performance enhancement.

On the other hand, turkesterone is ingested orally in both capsule and powder form, so there’s no need to worry about using a syringe, or always having access to them, let alone traveling with them.

Nearly every study referenced in this guide has based their findings off of cycles lasting between 8-10 weeks.

Again, since data from official human trials for turkesterone are lacking, we’ll reference one particular study conducted in 2021 which monitored the effects of an ecdysterone dosage of 2 grams per day for a total period of 12 weeks.

The study concluded that not only were there no adverse effects, but there was also a marked gain among the participants in lean muscle mass and strength [8].

All in all, we’d recommend that turkesterone cycles be kept under ten weeks.

Turkesterone Dosage

How to Take Turkesterone | What You MUST Know

The most dedicated bodybuilders and strength athletes are often willing to endure temporary discomfort for the promise of seeing improved results in the gym, such as using hypodermic needles to administer anabolic compounds.

On the other hand, there are plenty of natural athletes who would prefer to not dabble in these practices.

Fortunately, when it comes to taking turkesterone, the use of a hypodermic needle isn’t required. As of right now, in early 2023, turkesterone is only commercially available in the form of capsules and powders.

This means it can be conveniently taken along with a meal, or even mixed into a beverage.

According to the dosing guidelines set out above, we wouldn’t recommend exceeding more than two cycles of turkesterone per year. While you’ll still feel its benefits, you can be sure to avoid any possible side effects by being cautious with the amount taken.

Typically, a turkesterone dosage can be taken once per day, or split up into two doses – one in the morning, and one in the evening [1, 4].

Best Turkesterone Supplement | 2023 Edition

Plenty of stores on the internet is selling various bodybuilding and health supplements like turkesterone.

In order to determine which of them are selling high-quality products, we have taken the time to research which of these sources have the best turkesterone supplements available.

Our team has based our evaluation of these sources according to some key criteria:

  • Are the products reasonably priced?
  • Do the products have a high purity?
  • Do they offer fast shipping available worldwide?

And finally, do they already have a number of satisfied customers who have posted positive reviews of their experience using turkesterone?

After a thorough investigation, our team identified a legitimate and reputable vendor to buy turkesterone from: Gorilla Mind. Here’s why:

  • Positive customer reviews. At the time this article was written, in early 2023, already has amassed over 130 positive reviews from verified customers – a strong indication that their supplement is indeed effective.
  • Superior customer service. Gorilla Mind is based in Boise, Idaho, which explains why their customer service is top-notch.
  • Great shipping. They also offer free shipping on domestic orders over $99.
  • Optimal product dosing. Each capsule of Gorilla Mind Turkesterone contains 500 mg of turkesterone extracted from Ajuga Turkestanica, and complexed with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, to enhance its absorption into the body.
  • Flexible payment options. In addition, besides using a credit card, you can pay for Gorilla Mind Turkesterone in a number of ways, such as Venmo, Google Pay, Apply Pay, and Paypal.

We strongly suggest taking advantage of their 3 bottle discount on Gorilla Mind Turkesterone, so that you’ll have enough to run a proper 3 month cycle.

You can visit them here to learn more and purchase Gorilla Mind Turkesterone:

Order the best Turkesterone from Gorilla Mind...

Turkesterone Benefits

In the last few years, a growing number of voices in the fitness and bodybuilding community have strongly advocated for the benefits of ecdysteroids, such as ecdysterone and turkesterone.

However, could this just be hype?

Do ecdysteroids actually work? Is turkesterone effective?

Are they truly naturally-occurring substances that can actually produce the same, or even greater anabolic benefits of normal steroids?

Increased Muscle Mass And Strength

One of the main benefits of taking turkesterone is an increase in lean muscle mass and strength [1].

With turkesterone, this can come about due to a 20% increase in protein synthesis. Turkesterone lowers lipid absorption, improves nitrogen retention and contributes to a better protein metabolism profile with reduced protein catabolism and increased anabolism.

On top of that, turkesterone has also been found to cause increases in both skeletal muscle mass and muscle protein [9].

Turkesterone may even possess more anabolic potency than ecdysterone, as shown in one of the most recognized turkesterone studies where various compounds were administered to rats of different ages and hormonal conditions.

The data from the study showed that turkesterone led to a 63.5% increase in weight for puberal rats, while ecdysterone led to a 51.9% increase in their weight.

The largest amount of weight gain in the test group resulted from turkesterone, which was even more than the oral steroid dianabol [2].

Increased ATP Production

Ecdysteroids like turkesterone and ecdysterone have also been shown to increase ATP synthesis [10]. Muscles can therefore work with greater force, while endurance also increases, leading to more intense workouts, which can further build strength and stamina.

Research has shown adaptogenic properties particularly in swimmers, which lengthened the amount of time they could remain moving in the water by up to 22%.

It was also found to improve the ability of mice to run for up to 32% longer before reaching a point of fatigue [11]. Similar to ecdysterone, turkesterone can decrease the amount of time needed to recover from intense exercise.

Studies show that turkesterone can aid in fixing muscle fibers that have been broken down after exercise and increase glycogen concentrations in muscles, which can play a part in removing lactic acid and support workout recovery [12].

Fat loss and weight maintenance are also known benefits of ecdysteroids, namely turkesterone, due to its effects on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Turkesterone Dosage

Is Turkesterone Safe?

Turkesterone, along with other ecdysteroids like ecdysterone, are proven to be safer than anabolic steroids.

The main reason for this is because they don’t bind to androgen receptors in the same way that steroids do, which is the main cause for adverse side effects in steroid users. Therefore, adverse side effects from steroid usage, such as changes in appetite, mood, libido, hair growth, skin health or sleep, and even enlargement of internal organs, can be avoided entirely [13].

It’s important to mention once again there have been no documented human trials for turkesterone.

Therefore, data regarding adverse side effects in humans from consuming it is limited to anecdotal evidence, as well as broader studies on ecdysteroids as a whole, such as ecdysterone.

Nearly all studies conducted on these ecdysteroid compounds have not revealed any serious adverse effects from their consumption. However, the most common anecdotally reported side effects with turkesterone are nausea and stomach discomfort when taken in excess of 2000 milligrams [4].

Hence why we suggest not exceeding a daily dose of 500 milligrams.

To corroborate the claim that ecdysteroids have little to no side effects on humans, a study conducted in 2006 sought to determine the effects of ecdysterone and select other compounds on training adaptations for athletic males.

Again, we’re referencing a study on ecdysterone because of the lack of data from human trials involving turkesterone.

45 participants who were previously tested for not using any other compounds were recruited and split up into three groups. They each ingested a daily dose of a compound while following a set weekly training regimen.

One of those groups took just 30 milligrams of ecdysterone once per day.

In conclusion, the study found that the men were significantly stronger on mainly two lifts – the bench press, and the leg press. More importantly, no adverse side effects were reported [14].

Overall, neither ecdysterone nor turkesterone cause the side effects normally seen with anabolic steroid use.

One of the main reasons for this is because of the molecular structure of ecdysteroids. Even though they possess a similar structure to anabolic steroids, they don’t actually bind to the steroid receptors in vertebrates.

Turkesterone Dose | Overall

In conclusion…

According to the latest studies, a consistent turkesterone dosage of 500 milligrams per day is ideal for most athletes and bodybuilders.

This dose is more than enough to start seeing visible gains in muscle mass, strength, and endurance within a relatively short period of time – all while avoiding any negative side effects.

In addition, while turkesterone is mostly known for its muscle-building properties, endurance athletes will be pleased to notice improvements in their activities after using turkesterone consistently.

It’s not recommended that this turkesterone dosage be exceeded, as once again, official data from human trials regarding turkesterone is limited.

Ultimately, turkesterone is a generally safe compound, and is already being widely accepted as a supplement of choice by those who want to see improvement in their performance, but aren’t prepared or willing to experiment with substances that have a higher potential for causing adverse effects.

Are you ready to get started with turkesterone?

If so, you have to give Gorilla Mind turkesterone a shot.

They are the #1 turkesterone vendor in the world, and for good reason – they manufacture their product from pure Ajuga turkestanica leaves, so you are getting a truly world-class product.

So what are you waiting for?

Pick up some Gorilla Mind turkesterone today and take your fitness game to the next level!


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