Curious about steroids in Mexico?
Do you wonder what the Mexican government has to say about steroids, including whether they are considered a legal recreational drug, or a banned substance?
Then you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we detail everything you need to know about steroids in Mexico, including whether you can legally buy and use steroids without getting in trouble with the Mexican police.
We also answer your most important steroid-related questions, including:
- Are steroids popular in Mexico?
- Are anabolic steroids actually safe?
- Do I have to “cycle” steroids for optimal results?
…And much more!
Our team at has analyzed the official Mexican government drug schedules, so you know you are getting fact-based answers.
We also present the latest research on legal steroid alternatives like ecdysterone, in case you are looking for a safer way to build muscle mass and strength.
Now let’s get started!
Disclaimer: The contents of are for informational and educational purposes. We do not provide legal advice. Likewise, we do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult your physician prior to consuming any over-the-counter supplements, like a natural testosterone booster, and/or getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical medication. Your access to is subject to our full disclaimer and terms of use.
What Are Steroids?
Steroids are one of the most popular drugs in Mexico.
It seems like everywhere you go, you can find gyms full of bodybuilders and other athletes who are taking gear.
But what are steroids, and why are they so effective for building muscle mass?
Steroids are a special type of performance enhancing drug. They work by increasing testosterone and other muscle-building hormones in the human body.
Steroids were originally developed by researchers to help patients suffering from muscle-wasting diseases. However, it didn’t take long before bodybuilders and other athletes began taking steroids to improve the way their bodies looked and performed.
Today, as much as 6.4% of the world’s male population has admitted to using steroids before (1). This is a staggering number!
So what makes steroids so attractive for adult males? The truth is, steroids have the following benefits (2, 3):
- Increased muscle mass
- Increased muscle strength
- Faster recovery from intense workouts
- Faster recovery from injury
- Decreased perceived stress levels
Unfortunately, anabolic steroids are also extremely dangerous. They have many dangerous side effects, which is the primary reason they are not more popular with the general population.
Here are some of the most common side effects associated with anabolic steroid use (4, 5):
- Cardiovascular damage
- Increased aggression
- Gynecomastia (“gyno”)
- Damage to other internal organs
Anyone interested in using steroids in a country like Mexico needs to carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of them before starting their first “cycle.”
After all, steroids can cause your natural hormone production to decrease, so there are often long-term consequences to using steroids.
Popular Steroids in Mexico
Steroids are becoming more and more popular throughout the world – especially in Latin America. Everywhere you look, younger men are experimenting with steroids to transform their physique and improve their athletic performance.
But is this also true for Mexico?
Do people in Mexico really use anabolic steroids, or is this just another myth about the country?
The truth is, steroids are extremely popular in the country of Mexico. As much as 11% of the adult male population in Mexico has used steroids in the past, and these numbers are increasing almost every year.
It seems like almost every gym in Mexico has at least a few men who are using gear, so you won’t stand out from the crowd if you choose to use steroids there.
Here are some of the most commonly used steroids in Mexico:
- Anavar
- Testosterone
- Trenbolone
The most common steroid in Mexico is probably testosterone. This makes sense, as testosterone makes up the foundation of most people’s steroid cycles.
It also has relatively few side effects for how well it works.
Some beginners are afraid of using testosterone in Mexico, and choose anavar instead.
Anavar is an oral steroid that produces significant increases in muscle mass and strength, but with relatively few side effects. On the other hand, more experienced steroid users often “stack” HGH or trenbolone together with testosterone for faster results.
This may result in faster gains, but it also increases the users risk for dangerous side effects.
What Do Steroids Do?
Steroids are becoming increasingly popular in countries like Mexico. It seems like no matter where you go in Mexico, you can find someone who is “juicing.”
But why are steroids so popular today?
The truth is, steroids have many proven benefits for professional and recreational athletes (2, 6, 7):
- Increased Muscle Mass
- Increased Muscle Strength
- Improved Body Composition
- Faster Recovery From Workouts
- Increased Red Blood Cell Count
Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.
Anabolic steroids are incredibly effective for building muscle mass. In fact, if you see an insanely muscular person in a gym in Mexico, there is a decent chance they are on gear.
Steroids work by increasing the rate of protein synthesis inside your muscle cells. In other words, steroids make it easier for your body to take the proteins and calories that you eat, and convert them into new contractile muscle tissue.
Obviously, this has profound implications for anyone interested in getting bigger and stronger.
Research shows that first-time steroid users can build as much as 10-30 pounds of new muscle tissue during their first steroid cycle! This is an unbelievable result, as it takes elite drug-free athletes 1-3 years on average to build this much muscle tissue.
Steroids are also extremely effective at improving body composition and speeding up your recovery following intense exercise.
Many Hollywood actors use steroids to drop body fat, and to give their bodies a chance to recover from several high-intensity workouts per week.
Finally, steroids also improve your cardiovascular endurance. This is accomplished through an increase in red blood cells in your bloodstream. Red blood cells help you deliver oxygen to your muscle cells, so it’s no surprise that an increase in red blood cells results in improved cardiovascular and muscular endurance.
As you can see, steroids have many different benefits. No wonder they are so popular in countries like Mexico!
Side Effects Of Steroids
Anabolic steroids are extremely popular in many Latin American countries like Mexico.
It seems like no matter where you go in this country, you can find men who are using gear to “bulk up” their physique.
Some people view this as a problem. After all, steroids have many dangerous side effects, and can even be life-threatening when used improperly.
Based on our research, here are some of the most common side effects of long-term steroid use (8, 9, 10, 11, 12):
- Gyno (gynecomastia)
- Low testosterone levels
- Internal organ damage
- High blood pressure
- Depression
Let’s take a closer look at each of these side effects.
One of the most common side effect of steroids is called gyno, or gynecomastia.
Gyno describes a condition where men develop small amounts of breast tissue on their chest. This is obviously not something that should happen to a healthy male! However, it is possible when using steroids.
Gyno is caused by imbalanced estrogen levels in the body. If estrogen levels get too high in men, then the hormone acts as a signal for them to build breast tissue!
The truth is, there is an enzyme called “aromatase” in your fat cells. This enzyme has one job: take the testosterone circulating in your bloodstream, and convert some of it into the enzyme estrogen.
This is normal, and happens even in healthy men. However, this enzyme becomes more active in steroid users, as their testosterone levels are so much higher than normal.
Most steroid users get around this issue by regularly monitoring their estrogen levels, taking anti-estrogenic drugs, and performing post-cycle therapy protocols. However, gyno remains one of the most common side effects of steroid use.
Other side effects include low testosterone levels, damage to the internal organs, high blood pressure, and depression.
One of the biggest concerns for most steroid users is actually internal organ damage. Steroids have been shown to cause long-term damage to the heart, liver, and kidneys – especially when taken in large doses.
The human body was never designed to have supra-physiological testosterone levels, so it’s no surprise that steroids have significant side effects.
Many steroid users are able to mitigate these side effects by monitoring their bloodwork, and making changes as necessary to stay healthy. However, there is no denying that steroids have many serious side effects.
Anyone interested in using anabolic steroids should do so with extreme caution.
Are Steroids Legal in Mexico?
You might be wondering if steroids are legal in Mexico.
Can you actually buy, possess, and use anabolic steroids in Mexico without breaking any laws? The answer might surprise you.
The truth is, steroids are 100% legal in Mexico. You can buy steroids (such as testosterone) at your local pharmacy without breaking any Mexican laws.
This is great news for bodybuilders and other athletes living in Mexico who are interested in using anabolic steroids.
Of course, getting a doctor’s prescription for testosterone and other steroids is still a good idea – especially if you are doing something like testosterone replacement therapy. Your doctor can help monitor your bloodwork while using testosterone to minimize any potential side effects.
However, a prescription for testosterone and other steroids is not required in Mexico.
Of course, just because steroids are legal in Mexico, does not mean they are 100% safe. You should still do your research on the benefits and risks of anabolic steroids before using them in Mexico.
Oral Steroids vs Injectables vs Steroid Creams
There are many different types of steroids on the market today, including oral steroids, injectable steroids, and transdermal steroid creams.
But do you know the differences between these three choices?
The truth is, each of these types of steroids have their own advantages and disadvantages.
There are three main types of anabolic steroids:
- Oral steroids
- Injectable steroids
- Transdermal steroids
Injectable steroids are by far the most common class of steroids. They are considered the “gold standard” choice by many people, as they have more potential to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance.
However, oral steroids and steroid creams also have their own unique advantages.
Based on our research, here are some of the most common oral steroids on the market today:
- Anadrol
- Anavar
- Dianabol
- Winstrol
- Restandol
Oral steroids have been used for decades by medical professionals. Many oral steroids like anavar have been clinically proven to help patients suffering from muscle wasting diseases.
Of course, it didn’t take long for bodybuilders and other athletes to begin experimenting with them.
Oral steroids like anavar are less powerful than most injectable steroids. However, they also have relatively fewer side effects, and you don’t have to inject them into your body for them to work.
For these reasons, they are a reasonably popular choice with many people.
Now let’s talk about injectable steroids. Here are some of the most popular injectable steroids on the market today:
- Testosterone
- Trenbolone
- Deca-durabolin
- Equipoise
Injectable steroids are far more popular than oral steroids or steroid creams.
Using injectable steroids is actually very simple: they are injected directly into the body. For example, most men inject testosterone directly into one of the major muscle groups, such as the glutes or quads.
From there, the testosterone solution is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream. Injectable steroids are very powerful, but they also have more severe side effects.
Extreme caution is required when handling these drugs.
Finally, there are some steroid creams that can be used. For example:
- Testosterone creams
- SARM creams
Steroid creams are less popular than the other two options. However, some people actually prefer steroid creams.
They work reasonably well for TRT and other hormone replacement therapy protocols, where the goal is to maximize your natural hormone production.
Should You Take Steroids in Mexico?
You might be wondering if you should take steroids in Mexico.
Is it a good idea to order steroids online while living in Mexico, or to bring your own steroids into the country?
Here at, we believe you should NOT take steroids in Mexico.
There are several reasons for this:
- Steroids have dangerous side effects
- There are safe and legal alternative to steroids
Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors.
Unlike most developed countries, steroids are actually 100% legal in Mexico.
You can easily go to your local pharmacy and purchase testosterone, human growth hormone, or any number of other anabolic steroids. However, that doesn’t mean using steroids in Mexico is a good idea.
First of all, steroids are extremely dangerous.
Research shows that steroids can cause long-term damage to your heart, liver, and kidneys. They can even shut down your natural testosterone production, making you dependent on drugs for the rest of your life.
Based on these factors, we do NOT recommend taking steroids in Mexico.
There are plenty of safer ways to build a great physique where you don’t have to jeopardize your long-term health.
For example, testosterone replacement therapy can be a great option for men suffering from low testosterone levels. On the other hand, many men get great results with powerful “legal steroid alternatives” like ecdysterone.
Legal Steroid Alternatives
Steroids are technically legal in Mexico.
You can easily purchase testosterone and other drugs at your local Mexican pharmacy without breaking any laws. However, that doesn’t mean it is a good idea to do so.
Steroids are extremely dangerous, and have many long-term side effects. For these reasons, we do NOT recommend taking steroids in Mexico.
If you are looking for a way to quickly transform your physique, then we recommend using a powerful “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone instead.
Ecdysterone belongs to a family of “natural plant steroids” called ecdysteroids.
Plants like spinach and quinoa produce ecdysterone because it speeds up their overall growth and development. Some people believe that ecdysterone should have a similar effects in humans.
Ecdysterone boosts protein synthesis levels in plants, so why wouldn’t it have the same impact in humans?
Based on the latest scientific studies, it looks like these people are 100% correct.
One recent study showed that ecdysterone boosts protein synthesis levels in humans by up to 20% (13)! Another one showed that ecdysterone builds more muscle mass than many anabolic steroids, including dianabol (14).
This almost sounds too good to be true… a natural plant supplement that builds more muscle mass than dianabol? Don’t worry – ecdysteorne is the real deal.
So how does ecdysterone work?
Ecdysterone works by binding to the estrogen receptors on your muscle cells. From there, it directly increases muscle protein synthesis.
Unlike anabolic steroids, ecdysterone does NOT impact your hormone levels. It also does not bind to the androgen receptors in your body. This means you don’t have to worry about the dangerous side effects associated with steroids – especially if you take the recommended dose of 500 mg of ecdysterone per day.
If you are ready to get started with ecdysterone, then we strongly recommend the online vendor Huge Supplements. They manufacture all of their products in high-quality facilities in the United States.
All of their products are also tested by 3rd-party companies for quality and purity. Best of all, Huge Supplements offers fast and affordable shipping to residents living in Mexico.
Ecdysterone is the #1 science-based legal steroid alternative in the world today. However, that may change soon.
There is a new legal steroid alternative called turkesterone that is currently shaking up the fitness industry. Turkesterone is another natural plant steroid that works by boosting protein synthesis levels.
So far, no human studies have been performed on turkesterone. However, the animal studies are extremely promising.
One study showed that turkesterone builds more muscle mass than ecdysterone (15)! Thousands of real-world users have also tried turkesterone, and the general consensus is that it works even better than ecdysterone for building muscle.
If you are ready to get started with turkesterone, then we strongly recommend the company Gorilla Mind.
Steroids in Mexico | Overall
So what’s the verdict – should you take steroids in Mexico?
Based on our research, we believe you should NOT take anabolic steroids while living in Mexico.
There are several reasons for this.
Unlike most developed countries, steroids are 100% legal in Mexico.
You can legally purchase steroids online or at a Mexican pharmacy without breaking any laws. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good idea. Research shows that steroids are extremely dangerous.
Many men have actually died from steroid-related complications, while others have suffered long-term damage to their heart and other internal organs.
Fortunately, there are safe and effective alternatives to steroids in Mexico.
For men suffering from low T, testosterone replacement therapy can be a great option. Another great choice is to use a powerful “legal steroid alternative” like ecdysterone.
So what are you waiting for?
Pick up a bottle of Huge Supplements ecdysterone today and take your physique to the next level!